Support farmworkers on Sunday, April 28, 2024 in Santa Maria

We at Santa Barbara County Action Network invite you to support farmworkers during CAUSE and MICOP's day of action in Santa Maria at 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 28 and to read the new research report Harvesting Dignity: The Case for a Living Wage for Farmworkers.

We hope many SBCAN members will join the rally and march. Please email [email protected] if you will attend.


Here is a message about the day of action from our allies at CAUSE:

We kicked off April with Alianza Campesina de la Costa Central – a partnership between CAUSE and MICOP – publishing a new research report, Harvesting Dignity: The Case for a Living Wage for Farmworkers.

This Sunday, April 28, 2024, hundreds of Central Coast farmworkers will come together to launch Alianza Campesina’s campaign for a farmworker living wage. Please join us in Santa Maria on Sunday to stand in solidarity with farmworkers demanding a living wage and improved working conditions.

Sunday, April 28, 2024
11:00 AM
Corner of Broadway & Main Street
300 Town Center East, Santa Maria

The day of action will include a rally and a march from the Town Center to Santa Maria Fairgrounds. The day will jump start our farmworker living wage campaign with workers, organizers, and advocates outlining how local elected officials can support the fight for a more just work environment in the fields.

Harvesting Dignity exposed farmworkers’ struggle for affordable housing, childcare, healthcare, and food, despite their essential work for the Central Coast, state, and nation. The research has informed the campaign because it proved that the agriculture industry can afford to pay higher wages – and now, we will push for the political support needed to ensure that farmworkers receive a living wage to sustain farming in California’s Central Coast.

See you on Sunday, 

Hazel Davalos & Lucas Zucker
Co-Executive Directors
56 E. Main Street, Suite 210, VENTURA, CA 93003
(805) 658-0810
[email protected]