SB CAN recommends Oil Issues: A Citizen's Guide - for those who are undecided about Measure P

Santa Barbara County Action Network is pleased to post "Oil Issues: A Citizen's Guide," a report prepared by one of our members, Jane Baxter.  

SB CAN staff finds the report compelling because it documents so many reasons why we need to support Measure P.

It is long--49 pages--but you don't need to read it all at once.  By all means, don't stop phone banking and knocking on doors, but do read this in your spare time and you will find many nuggets of information that will help you in your conversations with undecided potential voters.

You can find this report on SB CAN's website at or by clicking here.

Please send the report to your undecided friends or direct them to the SB CAN website.

Here is Jane's Author's Note:

I am a Santa Maria homeowner, resident, and voter. I drive a conventional car and heat and cook with natural gas. Until our renewable energy resources are further developed, I will be consuming petroleum products. However, I've long known that I don't support oil drilling and extraction taking place in oil fields located beneath important urban and agricultural public water sources. I knew very little about the local oil industry, and I wanted to understand what was at risk for me with the expansion of the Enhanced Oil Recovery techniques addressed in Measure P. I started educating myself and collecting relevant sources because I did not find all the information I sought in Yes or No campaign materials.  This document is the result of that research and why I decided to vote Yes on Measure P. I want to share what I learned so that other voters can study this information and make their own decision. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

Thank you,

Ken Hough
SB  CAN Executive Director
[email protected]

If you are not already a member, please consider joining SB CAN, a progressive organization working to promote social and economic justice, to preserve our environmental and agricultural resources, and to create sustainable communities. SB CAN advocates a holistic approach to community planning that integrates housing, open space, and transportation to meet the needs of all members of our community and future generations.

SB CAN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Memberships and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Click here to become a member. Click here to make a donation.

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Thank you,

Ken Hough
SB CAN Executive Director