SBCAN SC Roundtable Fri, June 16 at noon - join us!

You're invited to:

SBCAN South County Roundtable

Friday, June 16, 2017, Noon

Union Bank’s Community Room, 15 East Carrillo St., Santa Barbara. 


 (times are approximate)

1.  Call to Order by Chair Dick Flacks.Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)

2.  Brief updates from participants. 
(2 to 5 min. each)

3.  Housing Issues in City of Santa Barbara. 
There are several controversies about housing affordability in Santa Barbara that warrant brainstorming and debate. Frank Rodriguez of CAUSE, who is working on these issues, will join us. We will have a freewheeling conversation about these issues:
  • Downtown housing and fears of gentrification: Average Unit Density will encourage housing on the Lower East Side and this has raised anxieties about Milpas Street as a target of gentrification. How might this dilemma be resolved?
  • Efforts to promote affordable rental housing come up against state laws that hamstring rent stabilization and inclusionary rules. How can these be changed?
  • What is the status of current efforts to improve the AUD and strengthen renters’ rights?
4.   Mobile Homeowner Issues. Sharon Rose will report on this topic.
5.   Sales Tax Proposal for City of SB.  Mary Rose will brief us on this proposal for Nov. ballot.

6.   Other Items of Interest to Participants.

7.   Next Meeting: 
Our 2017 calendar has a summer break. Next meeting is Sept. 15 unless changed.