SBCAN South County Roundtable on October 12

We hope you will join us for

SBCAN South County Roundtable

Friday, October 12, 2018, Noon to 1:30 p.m.

Union Bank’s Board Room, 15 East Carrillo St., Santa Barbara, CA


(times are approximate, and feel free to bring your lunch)

  1. Call to Order by Chair and SBCAN Co-President Dick Flacks.Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
  2. Discussion of Current Issues with Santa Barbara City Councilmember and Supervisor-Elect Gregg Hart(40 min.)
  3. Update on Tenants’ Rights. (10 min.)
  4. Update on Santa Barbara’s Average Unit Density Program. (10 min.)
  5. Immigration Advocacy Collaboration. Jacqueline Inda is seeking support for resolutions supporting the migrant community. (10 min.)
  6. Mobile Homeowners Project. Sharon Rose will report on the project. (5 min.)
  7. Brief updates from participants. (2 to 5 min. each)
  8. Open discussion about other items of interest. All (5 min.)
  9. Next meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for November 9.