The County Planning Commission upheld Santa Barbara County Action Network's appeal of the permit issued by County staff that would have allowed trucking of up to 10 loads of crude oil from the Lompoc Hills to Coalinga for up to 50 years at a distance of 165 miles. On Wednesday, a majority of the Commission found that the safety hazards were too high to approve the project.

The County staff had approved the project with a mitigated negative declaration that concluded the Project would cause no potentially significant environmental impacts.
SBCAN’s appeal noted that the Board of Supervisors rejected the Exxon proposal to truck oil from the Las Flores processing plant based on risks of oil spills, and grounded opposition in the County zoning ordinance, General Plan and California Environmental Quality Act.
By a 3-2 vote, the Planning Commission upheld the appeal, based on the project’s adverse impacts to public safety along the 165-mile route, the lack of adequate environmental analysis, and the inability to make the findings for approval.
SBCAN Co-Executive Director Ken Hough stated, "The rejection of this project reflects the risks of transporting crude oil to communities and the environment. The many examples of tanker truck accidents, spills and fires helped demonstrate that trucking was not appropriate. Further, the project conflicted with the County’s Climate Action Plan, which seeks to limit increases in fossil fuel extraction and develop a sunset strategy."
Attorney Marc Chytilo of the Law Office of Marc Chytilo, APC represented SBCAN at the Planning Commission meeting. He noted the legal barriers to project approval: “The Planning Commission majority understood that the Sentinel truck rack project would cause significant environmental impacts and expose communities along the 165 mile route to substantial new hazards. Trucking is just a risky way to transport oil.”
The Planning Commission is scheduled to adopt findings for denial on March 12, 2025, opening a 10-day period for a further appeal to the Board of Supervisors.

Please join us to hear proposals for Marine Protected Areas in Santa Barbara County and the new Save Our Sanctuaries effort!
SBCAN Combined Roundtable
Friday, February 14, 2025
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Via Zoom
- Welcome
Marine Protected Areas - Sandy Aylesworth and Bella Sullivan of the Natural Resources Defense Council will present their proposals for MPAs off Pt. Sal and Carpinteria. They will explain what an MPA is and why they are asking the California Fish and Game Commission to put these protections in place. Attendees will be invited to ask questions and express concerns or support. The SBCAN Board will consider whether to support the proposals.
Save Our Sanctuaries - Jim Hines of the Sierra Club will speak on efforts to protect local National Marine Sanctuaries in light of the potential defunding of the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.
- Other issues or announcements
- Closing
Register for the Zoom meeting here:
Note: We are changing the North County Roundtable to the second Friday each month at noon and making it a Combined Roundtable when topics warrant it. The South County Roundtable will continue to be held the fourth Friday at noon and will also be a Combined Roundtable when topics warrant it.

Download Fact Sheet on Pt. Sal proposal

Download Fact Sheet on Mishopshno proposal
Public Review of the
Santa Maria General Plan Update
Draft Policy Frameworks

The Draft General Plan Policy Frameworks are available for public review and comment from Wednesday, February 5 to Sunday, March 2.
WHAT’S BEING PLANNED: The Community Development Department is preparing a Comprehensive update to the City’s General Plan. This document creates the master plan for Santa Maria’s growth for the next 20-30 years. The City is anticipated to grow by 30,000 to 40,000 residents during that time, meaning the community must identify where and how to build thousands of additional housing units, and where to build new parks, schools and other development. The Policy and Plan Development phase is currently underway with the completion of draft Policy Frameworks for each of the nine elements of the City’s updated General Plan. The Policy Frameworks are a step in the General Plan Update process prior to drafting General Plan Elements. The frameworks highlight key direction for each General Plan Element including goals, policies, and implementation activities to achieve that direction.
WHERE YOU COME IN: The public review period will be an opportunity to review the draft Policy Frameworks for the General Plan and provide your feedback. All of the frameworks as well as a form for providing feedback are available at the project website:
Upcoming Public Meetings where you can learn more and provide feedback:
Planning Commission Study Sessions: Thursday, February 6 and Thursday, February 20 at 1:30 p.m. at Shepard Hall in the Santa Maria Public Library, 421 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria
Office Hours with Planning Staff:
Wednesday, February 19 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register here:
Wednesday, February 26 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Community Development Department Conference Room, 110 S. Pine St., Santa Maria
Comments may also be submitted within the public review period to Dana Eady, Planning Division Manager, by email at [email protected], or mailed/delivered to the City of Santa Maria Community Development Department (110 South Pine Street, Room 101, Santa Maria, CA 93458) by Sunday, March 2.
Department: Community Development
Contact Person: Dana Eady, Planning Division Manager
Telephone Number: (805) 925-0951 ext. 2444
Email Address: [email protected]
Revisión Pública de los Marcos de Política Preliminares de Actualización del Plan General
Los documentos del Borrador de los Marcos de Política del Plan General están disponibles para revisión y comentarios públicos desde el miércoles 5 de febrero hasta el domingo 2 de marzo.
LO QUE SE ESTÁ PLANEANDO: El Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario está preparando una actualización integral del Plan General de la Ciudad. Este documento crea el plan maestro para el crecimiento de Santa María para los próximos 20-30 años. Se anticipa que la ciudad crecerá de 30,000 a 40,000 residentes durante ese tiempo, lo que significa que la comunidad debe identificar dónde y cómo construir miles de unidades de vivienda adicionales, y dónde construir nuevos parques, escuelas y otros desarrollos.
La fase de Desarrollo de Políticas y Planes está actualmente en marcha con la finalización de los borradores de los Marcos de Políticas para cada uno de los nueve elementos del Plan General actualizado de la Ciudad. Los Marcos de Políticas son un paso en el proceso de Actualización del Plan General antes de redactar los Elementos del Plan General. Los marcos destacan la dirección clave para cada elemento del Plan General, incluidos los objetivos, las políticas y las actividades de implementación para lograr esa dirección.
DÓNDE INGRESA: El período de revisión pública será una oportunidad para revisar el borrador de los Marcos de Políticas para el Plan General y proporcionar sus comentarios. Todos los marcos, así como un formulario para enviar comentarios, están disponibles en el sitio web del proyecto:
Próximas reuniones públicas en las que puede obtener más información y proporcionar comentarios:
Sesiones de estudio de la Comisión de Planificación: 6 de febrero y 20 de febreroa la 1:30 p.m. en Shepard Hall en la Biblioteca Pública de Santa María, 421 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria
Horario de oficina con el personal de planificación:
Miércoles 19 de febrero, de 1:00 a 2:30 p.m. en Zoom. Regístrese aquí:
Miércoles, 26 de febrero, 1:00 a 2:30 p.m. en la Sala de Conferencias del Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario, 110 S. Pine St., Santa Maria
Los comentarios también pueden enviarse dentro del período de revisión pública a Dana Eady, Gerente de la División de Planificación, por correo electrónico a [email protected], o enviarse por correo/entrega al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario de la Ciudad de Santa María (110 South Pine Street, Room 101, Santa Maria, CA 93458) antes del domingo 2 de marzo.
Departamento: Community Development
Persona de contacto: Dana Eady, Planning Division Manager
Número de teléfono: (805) 925-0951 ext. 2444
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Mark van de Kamp, MPA, DTM
Public Information Manager
Santa Maria City Manager’s Office
Office: (805) 925-0951 ext. 2372 / cell: (805) 720-4038
[email protected]
Santa Maria City Hall, 110 East Cook Street, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Join the Santa Maria Team