Join us to hear proposals for Marine Protected Areas in SB County!

  • Friday, Feb. 14, Marine Protected Areas for Pt. Sal and Carpinteria. 
  • Feb. 19, Public Review of the Santa Maria General Plan Update. 
  • Now through Feb. 24, Comment on County Hiking Trails. 
  • NEW: Sunday, Mar. 9, SBCAN Annual Membership Meeting. 





The Santa Barbara County Recreation Master Plan represents a once in a generation opportunity to promote and plan for trail development and to protect and expand the County's trail system. 

Please consider sending the following email by 5pm on February 24. 
Email County Parks Deputy Director Jeff Lindgren at [email protected] and copy County Supervisor Steve Lavagnino at [email protected] and Bob Nelson at [email protected] and (add favorite possible trail locations or issues if you like).
Please try to submit comments by February 24, if possible. But still email ASAP!! 
Dear Mr. Lindgren,
As a trail user, I am excited by the potential opportunities for our trail system that are proposed under the Recreation Master Plan. I wish to thank the County for preparing the Recreation Master Plan and am particularly encouraged by the planned expansion of the Orcutt Hills and Orcutt Creek Trail systems, the Guadalupe-Santa Maria River Trail into the dunes and beach, and the Bodger trails in Lompoc. However, I also respectfully request that the County adopt strong policies as part of the Master Plan program that require protection and expansion of our public trail system. I also wish to request that the Master Plan include the planned extension of the Santa Maria Levee Trail and explore new trail opportunities, especially linkages between open lands such as Point Sal Trail and Los Flores Park. 

The proposed Recreation Master Plan is here.



SBCAN's annual membership meeting will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 9 at St. Marks-in-the-Valley in Los Olivos. We will also have an online link available.

Our guest speaker will be the new mayor of Buellton, David Silva.

More details to come! 


If you haven't renewed your SBCAN membership for 2025, please do so now. We need your support -- through your participation, membership, sponsorship or donations.

We need to keep moving forward together to face the challenges of the new year and accomplish our shared goals of environmental, economic and social justice.

We’re stepping up our game – and we hope you’ll step up with us! We have new initiatives we’ve implemented and more we’ve planned. Please read our 2024 “Highlights” for details.

You are integral to our success. You have helped us build a strong network of progressive activists, save prime farmland, create more affordable housing, work to improve water quality, fight increased trucking of fossil fuels and restarting of the pipeline that burst into the channel, and more.

We are making our annual membership appeal now. If you recently paid your membership, or sponsored one of our events, or made a donation, you are already a member for 2025. We’re not asking you to contribute again – unless you want to! Mostly, we hope you will read our 2024 Highlights and continue to be involved with us.

If you have not made a recent contribution, we hope you will become a member or renew your dues now to help us continue to do our vital work. We rely on grants, sponsors, donors, fundraisers and you to keep doing our educational and advocacy work.

The average amount of dues our members pay is $10/month, however, we welcome higher or lower membership dues – whatever level works for you.

Please make your donation online at, or send a check to P.O. Box 6174, Santa Maria, CA 93456-6174. We especially like monthly contributions!

We’ll send information soon on our 2025 Annual Membership Meeting and Election.

If you are not receiving emails from us, please sign up for our Action Alerts at, and like us on Facebook at

Thanks again for your support and doing the good work!


Jeanne Sparks and Ken Hough
Co-Executive Directors