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Action Alerts
UCSB Housing Crisis Webinar
Please see below for information about a virtual workshop on housing that the Blum Center is sponsoring on Thursday, April 28th from 5:30-7:00pm via Zoom, including SBCAN's South County Co-president, Dick Flacks as one of the presenters. This is the second in a series of Blum Center-sponsored workshops on the crisis of affordable housing in California and the Central Coast. The workshop is free and open to the public.
SB rent stabilization
There are two important issues coming to Santa Barbara City Hall on April 19th.
The Santa Barbara City Council will be discussing a potential scope for a study on Rental Stabilization. We need to emphasize the urgency to speed up this process to stop the displacement of our community.
Immediately before that at 1pm, city workers in Santa Barbara are hosting a rally in front of City Hall calling on the city to pay its workers a living wage. The City passed an ordinance requiring outside contractors to be paid a living wage, yet many of its own employees earn below a living wage and are not able to live in the city where they work. Issues around wages and rents go hand in hand and we hope you will lend your voice in support of both of these issues.
If you can't make it in person to the council meeting at City Hall, join virtually via zoom by registering on the following link, and choosing to speak on Item number 15:
Keep up to date for the start time of the agenda item via our Social Media, or sign up for Text Alerts from our friends at CAUSE by texting #RentSB to (805) 500- 2627
Take Action Now!
1. Email SB City Council asking them to “cap the rent at 2 percent”! by filling out this petition2. Sign on to the support letter for Santa Barbara city workers HERE
Public readings of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Beyond Vietnam” speech in Santa Maria and Santa Barbara
You're invited to commemorative readings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s prophetic “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” speech in Santa Maria and Santa Barbara
SANTA MARIA CITY HALL COURTYARDThe Poor People’s Campaign – Central Coast will host commemorative public readings of “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.”
The event will be held on the 55th anniversary of its first presentation.
2022 Membership Appreciation Meeting
Santa Barbara County Action Network
2022 Membership Appreciation Meeting
and Board ElectionSaturday, March 19, 2022
Noon-1 p.m. -
LWV Housing forum
Please see this message from the League of Women Voters Santa Barbara. Register for the Housing Panel featuring SBCAN's Advocacy and Events Director, Nadia Abushanab, as one of the speakers.
To start an exploration of the complex issues involved in our housing crisis, the League of Women Voters Santa Barbara (LWVSB) invites you to complete this Pre-Forum Survey.
Meagan Harmon is SBCAN's Membership Mtg guest speaker March 19 via Zoom
Please join us for our
Santa Barbara County Action Network
2022 Membership Appreciation Meeting
and Board ElectionSaturday, March 19, 2022
Noon-1 p.m. -
ExxonMobil and Idle Wells at March 8 Board of Supervisors meeting
There are two items of interest at the upcoming County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, March 8:
- The Grand Jury's Report on idle wells (item A-8)
- The ExxonMobil trucking project (item 3).
Idle Wells (item A-8):
Please join SBCAN in supporting all four recommendations made by the Grand Jury to the Board of Supervisors to better monitor the health and financial impacts of idle wells in the county and to make sure companies are removing equipment from the wells in compliance with the petroleum code.
Idle wells pose threats such as methane leaks, oil leaks, and soil and groundwater contamination. They also pose financial risks to taxpayers who often end up paying for cleanup when oil companies declare bankruptcy.
Please make a comment during the meeting or send a written public comment in support of the Grand Jury's four recommendations.
ExxonMobil (item 3):
SBCAN opposes the ExxonMobil proposed trucking project because of its impacts on climate change, the risk of an oil spill, and the dangers of increased traffic on highways 101 and 166.
Please make a comment - virtually and or written - in opposition to this dangerous project.
Watch this video that shows just how dangerous the trucking route is.
Video produced by Vacation Land for the Environmental Defense Center.
SBCAN: Women's March SMV at 2pm on Sun, Mar 6 at Minami Center
Please see this message from our friends at Women's March Santa Maria.
Sunday, March 6, 2022
The Women’s March is Returning to Santa Maria
Santa Maria is one of the 4th Annual Women’s Marches to be held nationwide in 2022
Who: Women’s March Santa Maria Valley
What: Joining thousands of Women’s March Sister Marches worldwide
When: March 6, 2022, from 2 pm to 4 pm
Where: The event will be held at the Minami Center (Enos and Depot). We will march from the Center east to Broadway, then north to Stowell, west to Depot and return on Enos.
Stop ExxonMobil's Dangerous Trucking Project
SBCAN urges you to submit a public comment in OPPOSITION to ExxonMobil's dangerous offshore platform restart and trucking proposal this week.
Written public comments are due by NOON on Friday, March 4th. Submit your comment by emailing [email protected] or add your name to this petition.
Meagan Harmon is SBCAN's Membership Mtg guest speaker March 19 via Zoom
Please join us for our
Santa Barbara County Action Network
2022 Membership Appreciation Meeting
and Board ElectionSaturday, March 19, 2022
Noon-1 p.m.