Action Alerts

  • Garden Day Sunday, Rail Spur at BOS, Community Choice Energy at Goleta City Council

    1. Central Coast Green Team Garden Fun Day - Sunday, August 30

    2. County Board of Supervisors to Consider Phillips 66 Rail Spur, September 1, afternoon session

    3. Goleta City Council to Consider Contributing to the Feasibility Study for Community Choice Energy, September 1, 1:30 PM

    1.  Central Coast Green Team Garden Fun Day

    Please join us for a Fun Day at the

    Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden and Flower Garden

    Sunday, August 30, 2015
    10 a.m. to Noon

    Santa Maria Community Garden
    910 S. Oakwood Drive, Santa Maria


    Message from Green Team Garden Director Leo Espinoza:
  • Urge SB City Council to take a stand against the Phillips 66 Rail Spur on Tuesday

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    July 26, 2015

    On Tuesday afternoon, July 28, probably around 3:30 p.m., the Santa Barbara City Council will consider urging San Luis Obispo County to deny the Phillips 66 Rail Spur project. SBCAN has sent this letter, with this report "Impacts and Risks from Oil Trains and the Phillips 66 Rail Spur Project," to the City Council. Our report focuses on the potential impacts of the project on Santa Barbara County. 

    A detailed map, prepared by the report's author, Jane Baxter, shows the areas that will be at greater risk of damage from explosions, pollution and trains blocking access to major arterials if the project is approved. Click here to view or download the map.

    Please join us in urging the Santa Barbara City Council to ask San Luis Obispo County to deny this project.

    Pasted below is the call to action issued by SBCAN's major partner is this endeavor, Food and Water Watch:

  • DOGGR hearing TODAY in Santa Maria on injecting wastewater into aquifers

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    July 16, 2015

    The State of California Department of Conservation is holding a hearing in Santa Maria TODAY, July 16, at 4 PM on its proposed regulations governing the injection of wastewater from oil drilling operations into aquifers that could be used for irrigation or for drinking water.
    When: Thursday, July 16 from 4 PM - 7 PM
    Where: Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 511 East Lakeside Pkwy, Santa Maria
    Here is the link to the state's notice:
    And here is information about a protest being held before the hearing:
    Subject: Protest the California Groundwater Contamination Scandal this Thursday in Santa Maria
    Governor Brown! Shut Illegal Oil Wastewater Wells Down!
    Protest the California Groundwater Contamination Scandal
    When: Thursday, July 16 at 3:30 PM
    Where: 511 East Lakeside Pkwy, Santa Maria
  • SBCAN Action Alert - Oil Trains & Rail Spur report and rally, CPA annual meeting, even-year elections op-ed

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    July 9, 2015
    Oil Trains & Rail Spur report and rally, CPA annual meeting, even-year elections op-ed

    1. The 2nd edition of SBCAN's report on the Impacts and Risks from Oil Trains and the Phillip 66 Rail Spur Project has been posted and and can be viewed here: The report helps the reader visualize the ramifications of an oil train crash along Santa Barbara's coastline or in one of its communities. It includes a call to action to oppose the proposed Phillips 66 Rail Spur Project at the refinery on the Nipomo Mesa.

    2.   SBCAN, Food & Water Watch and Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter are sponsoring a rally to oppose crude oil by rail and the Phillips 66 Rail Spur Project. This will be at 11 AM, Saturday, July 11 under the Moreton Bay Fig Tree next to the Santa Barbara Amtrak Station, 30 W. Montecito St.Click here for the media advisory.

    3.  Citizens Planning Association of Santa Barbara County, one of SBCAN's close allies, is holding its Annual Meeting Saturday, July 11 from 1 PM to 3 PM in Santa Barbara.  Information is here: 

    4. Dick Flacks and Daniel Ramirez authored an op-ed supporting even-year elections in the City of Santa Barbara as a means of furthering social justice goals.  It ran in The Independent on July 7. It is pasted below or can be viewed online at
  • SBCAN Action Alert July 7, 2015

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    July 7, 2015

    SBCAN North County H.O.T. (Housing, Open space and Transportation) Committee meeting
    Thursday, July 9, 2015, 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
    SBCAN South County H.O.T. (Housing, Open space and Transportation) Committee meeting
    Friday, July 10, 2015 12:00 PM  (NOTE NEW START TIME)

  • SBCAN Action Alert June 23, 2015 - Blue Bins Press Conference (SM) and Refugio Oil Spill (SB)

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    June 23, 2015

    1. Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 10:30 a.m.
    Blue Bins Press Conference
    Preisker Park (to the right of the entrance), 330 Hidden Pines Way, Santa Maria
    2. Friday, June 26, 2015: 
    Joint Legislative Hearing on Refugio Oil Spill, 2 to 5 PM at the County Administration Building, Fourth Floor.

  • SBCAN Action Alert June 22, 2015 - Mosby Rec, Vacation Rentals, Refugio Oil Spill

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    June 22, 2015

    1. Tuesday, June 23, 2015: 
    Board of Supervisors to consider reaffirming denial of Conditional Use Permit for Mosby Recreational Fields.
    2. Tuesday, June 23, 2015: 
    Santa Barbara City Council Hearing on Short-Term Vacation Rentals at 6 PM.

    3. Friday, June 26, 2015: 
    Joint Legislative Hearing on Refugio Oil Spill, 2 to 5 PM at the County Administration Building, Fourth Floor.

  • Action Alert June 8, 2015 - Trucking crude oil, SM bike plan, Rail spur, local energy, homeless issues, Oasis Senior Center

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    Action Alert 
    June 8, 2015

    1.  Emergency Permit Request for Trucking Crude Oil, ASAP
    2.  City of Santa Maria Bikeway Master Plan, Tuesday, June 9

    3.  Phillips 66 Rail Spur at the Goleta City Council, Tuesday, June 9
    4.  Santa Barbara County Community Choice Energy, County of SB, Wednesday, June 10

    5.  Budget items regarding homeless issues, County of SB, Thursday, June 10
    6.  Relocation of OASIS Senior Center in Orcutt before the County Planning Commission, Thursday, June 11

  • SB CAN Action Alert - Water issues in Santa Maria Valley

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    Action Alert 
    June 4, 2015

    Public Hearing on
    The Santa Maria Valley Management Area 
    2014 Annual Report of Hydrogeologic Conditions, Water Requirements, Supplies and Disposition

    2 p.m. Friday, June 5, 2015
    Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, Betteravia Government Center, 
    511 E. Lakeside Parkway, Santa Maria

    Are you interested in water issues in the Santa Maria Valley. If so, this meeting is for you.

    The Twitchell Management Authority will solicit input regarding The Santa Maria Valley Management Area 2014 Annual Report of Hydrogeologic Conditions, Water Requirements, Supplies and Disposition.

    The report was prepared by Luhdorff and Scalmanini Consulting Engineers, April 2015, according to the terms of the June 30, 2005 Stipulation in the Santa Maria Valley Water Conservation District v. City of Santa Maria, et al.

    For more information, contact Twitchell Management Authority at 805.925.0951, ext. 7270. Written comments can be sent by June 8 at 10 a.m. to: TMA, 2065 E. Main St, Santa Maria, CA 93454.

    The report is available at:

    The Introduction of the Report states:

  • SB CAN Action Alert - Stand in the Sand, Cmty Choice Energy, Rail Spur, Homeless advocacy

    Santa Barbara County Action Network 
    Action Alert 
    May 30, 2015

    1.  Stand in the Sand, Community Rally, Sunday May 31,
    2.  Santa Barbara County Community Choice Energy, City of SB June 1 and County of SB June 10
    3.  Phillips 66 Rail Spur on June 9 at the Goleta City Council
    4.  Budget items regarding homeless issues, City of SB June 1 and County of SB June 10