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Action Alerts
Action Alert Nov. 12, 2014
Santa Barbara County Action NetworkAction AlertNovember 12, 2014Topics:
- North County H.O.T. Committee Meeting THURSDAY
- South County H.O.T. Committee Meeting FRIDAY
- Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden "Fun Day" SATURDAY
- North County "Looking Forward" Awards Nominations
Open Streets event to promote safe streets (and have fun) on Saturday
Santa Barbara County Action Network invites you to attend the Open Streets event in Santa Barbara in Saturday, Oct. 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. as a way to not only have fun, but to make our streets safer. If you live in north county, we especially hope you will go to get ideas on how we can make our streets safer in the communities where too many people are being hit by cars.
Please see the information below, and if you are interested in helping up to make safer streets in north county, we are bringing people together now to talk about how to proceed. Please let us know if you'd like to be part of the effort. -
SB CAN recommends Oil Issues: A Citizen's Guide - for those who are undecided about Measure P
Santa Barbara County Action Network is pleased to post "Oil Issues: A Citizen's Guide," a report prepared by one of our members, Jane Baxter.
SB CAN staff finds the report compelling because it documents so many reasons why we need to support Measure P.
It is long--49 pages--but you don't need to read it all at once. By all means, don't stop phone banking and knocking on doors, but do read this in your spare time and you will find many nuggets of information that will help you in your conversations with undecided potential voters.
You can find this report on SB CAN's website at www.sbcan.org or by clicking here.Please send the report to your undecided friends or direct them to the SB CAN website.Here is Jane's Author's Note:
Join Us at Measure P Rally in Santa Maria
Santa Barbara County Action Network invites you to join Measure P supporters for a rally tomorrow, Wednesday, October 22 at noon in front of Santa Maria City Hall at Broadway and Cook Street.
If you live in South County, tell your North County friends about it.The Yes on Measure P 2014 Committee says:
We will stand together to tell Big Oil that they cannot buy this election! Chevron, Exxon and several other oil companies have poured $6 million into our opponents' campaign, spreading misinformation about Measure P. This might turn out to be the most expensive local ballot measure campaign ever, anywhere!Who will stand with us to say, 'No thank you Big Oil! You can spend all the money in the world, but you can't fool us. We know that we need Measure P to protect our water, health and our beautiful county from the risks of extreme oil extraction! Vote Yes on Measure P!'Wear your shirts (or bright blue), bring your signs and your families and friends!Looking forward to seeing you all soon! -
September 9, 2014 Action Alert
Santa Barbara County Action NetworkAction AlertSeptember 9, 2014Four Topics:
- NC H.O.T. Committee Meeting
- SC H.O.T. Committee Meeting
- LWV Forums in Santa Maria
- SB CAN Editorial on Measure P
1. SB CAN North County H.O.T. (Housing, Open space and Transportation) Committee meeting
September 11, 2014 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Rabobank, 1554 S. Broadway, Santa Maria
Santa Maria City Councilman Jack Boysen and council candidate Tony Coles will be at our meeting to answer questions you may have in light of the November elections.
We also will have two representatives from SLO Clean Energy talk to us about creating a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) that empowers communities to purchase renewable energy directly from energy providers, build local energy installations, improve energy efficiency, and ensure rate stability on behalf of local residential, business, and municipal ratepayers.
We will have updates on the Cuyama solar power project and the Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden as well as discuss any other items of importance to those in attendance. -
Action Alert August 12, 2014
Santa Barbara County Action NetworkAction Alert
August 12, 2014
1. NC H.O.T. Committee Meeting
2. Program on local geology
3. Editorial on Measure P1. SB CAN North County H.O.T. Committee meeting 6 p.m. August 14 at Rabobank, 1554 S. Broadway, Santa Maria.SB CAN North County Housing, Open space & Transportation Committee
Thursday, August 14, 2014, 6:00 PM
Rabobank Conference Room, Corner of Battles and South Broadway, Santa Maria, CAAGENDA
- Call to Order by Chair Jerry Connor; Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
- Measure P: Water Protection Initiative (30 min.)
- Current Oil Production Proposals (10 min.)
- Two injection wells four miles west of Guadalupe
- Others?
- Preview of Friday night’s geology presentation at Sierra Club meeting in Lompoc (5 min.)
- Western Sky Amphitheater: unpermitted project on Dominion Road (10 min.)
- Anything of interest to those in attendance (10 min.)
- Suggestions for next month’s agenda (5 min.)
Calvin Tillman speaks on protecting property rights from oil exploitation
Protecting Private Property Rights from Oil Exploitation
Calvin Tillman, the former mayor of Dish, Texas will speak on how to protect your private property rights when they are threatened by fracking and other intensive oil extraction techniques. Tillman was featured in the Oscar-nominated documentaries GASLAND and GASLAND 2.
Santa Maria Public Library
Shepard Hall
421 S. McClelland, Santa Maria
One block south of Cook Street between Broadway and Miller.
Free public parking lot and nearby transit stop.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Noon–1:30 p.m.
Presentation followed by question and answer session.
Suggested Donation: $5
Pete Seeger Show with Gale McNeeley, Betty Faas and Lara Ruth
Pete Seeger Show with Gale McNeeley, Betty Faas and Lara Ruth
Gale McNeeley, Betty Faas and Lara Ruth will appear July 12th at 4 PM at Cafe Noir, 1555 S. Broadway in Santa Maria in a “Pete Seeger ‘Sing Out’.”
A prolific songwriter, Pete’s best-known songs include "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" "If I Had A Hammer,” and "Turn! Turn! Turn!"
SB CAN Action Alert June 9, 2014
Santa Barbara County Action Network
Action Alert
June 9, 2014
Three Topics:
- SB Water Guardians’ Initiative
- AB 2145 – Community Choice Aggregation/Alternative Energy
- SB CAN H.O.T. Committee Meetings
SB CAN Action Alert - May 5, 2014
MAY 5, 2014- APCD workshops on greenhouse-gas emission thresholds
- H.O.T. Committee Meetings
Here are the details: