We hope you will join us at the City of Santa Maria's council meeting tomorrow (Tuesday, May 21) to support clean and local energy power generation and lower energy costs.
City staff is recommending the City join Monterey Bay Community Power (MBCP), a nonprofit agency.
MBCP was established to source clean energy while retaining PG&E’s role delivering power and maintaining infrastructure. MBCP supports economic vitality by providing cleaner energy at a lower cost, supporting low-income ratepayers, and funding local energy projects. MBCP’s power mix is carbon-free.
The main benefit for Santa Maria would be cost savings for customers (at least 4 percent by 2021 when customers are enrolled), funding for energy programs, choice and a voice to help shape re-investment in the community.
In 2018, MBCP delivered over $4.4 million dollars in customer rebates (i.e. bill savings) and they estimate that will be $8 million in 2019.
We are happy to see that city staff is recommending that the city join the agency. We would like to get community members to attend to support that recommendation.
The council meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. This item is number 6B. We don't know what time it will come up, but your speaker slip must be in before they start the item.
Click here for the city council agenda item.
Hope to see you Tuesday.