Meetings Dec 5, 2017 - SB County oil report, Goleta clean energy and bike plan, SM housing


Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 5, is a busy day for issues of interest to SBCAN members.

1. Oil and Gas Briefing. 

The County Board of Supervisors will be hearing a wide-ranging informational report from the County's Energy Division. The report includes information about the three proposed East Cat Canyon oil projects, data on violations over the last three years (the vast majority of citations issued by the County Petroleum office, the Fire Department, and the Air District are to one company...Greka, of course. The meeting is in Santa Barbara, but can be watched on cable or at Santa Maria's Betteravia Government Center. The agenda item is #4 and the link to the meeting agenda and staff reports is:

Here is a direct link to agenda item 4:

If oil and gas production is of concern to you, you shouldn't miss this presentation and the Supervisors' discussion. Of course, there is always the opportunity to make public comment.

2. Clean Energy Goal for Goleta.  

During its afternoon session, around 2 PM, Goleta's City Council will consider adopting a 100% renewable energy goal by 2030.

The Goleta agenda is here:

3. Goleta's Bicycle Master Plan. 

During its evening session (same agenda listed above) the City Council will hear a report on the status of the Bicycle Master Plan.

4. Santa Maria's Consideration of Auxiliary Dwelling Unit Regulations. 

State law now requires that local jurisdictions allow second units on single-family properties, but--within certain limits--cities and counties can regulate ADUs. SBCAN's Board of Directors recently voted to oppose restrictions that would run counter to the intent of the state law.

One such restriction would be to require that the owner of the property be required to live on the property, either in the main house or in the ADU. The Santa Maria planning staff recommended that requirement in order to "maintain neighborhood character." The Planning Commission voted 3-2 to NOT include that requirement. SBCAN will encourage the Council to follow that recommendation and we encourage local residents to do so as well.