Monthly Dues and Donations
SBCAN works to promote social and economic justice, to preserve our environmental and agricultural resources, and to create sustainable communities.
SBCAN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your contribution is tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the full extent allowable by law.
Please consider becoming a member or renewing your membership or making monthly donations below.
You can set up monthly payments on this page.
- If you'd prefer to make a one-time/annual dues payment, click here.
- If you'd like to make a one-time donation without becoming a member, click here.
If you'd like to make monthly donations without becoming a member, please set up your donations here and let us know you don't want to be a member at [email protected].
If you'd prefer to pay by check, send it to SBCAN, P.O. Box 6174, Santa Maria, CA 93456-6174. Write membership or donation in the memo line.
Thank you for your support.
Please set up your monthly membership dues or donations below: