SB County BOS - Use County-Owned Land to Build Affordable and Workforce Housing

SB County BOS - Use County-Owned Land to Build Affordable and Workforce Housing

April 23, 2024
Signatures: 102Next Goal: 200
60 people signed this week

Why this petition matters

Started by SBCAN Petitions

The County of Santa Barbara is conducting rezone hearings on April 30 and May 3, 2024 to designate sites for housing. Sign this petition to urge the Board of Supervisors to use county-owned land to address the need for affordable and workforce housing.

Dear Chair Lavagnino and supervisors:

We urge the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors to use underutilized plots of land owned by the county to develop affordable and workforce housing units.

Developing housing on county-owned land can help guarantee that housing units will be affordable and will go directly to local employees rather than out-of-town investors. This can help disrupt additional gentrification and can promote stability for our hard-working residents.
County-owned land is funded by Santa Barbara County taxpayers and data shows that our greatest need is affordable housing units so that we can work, live, and play in the county. A third of the county’s employees (more than 1,000 employees) cannot afford to live within the county where they work. 
Our county is the sixth most expensive county in the nation. Show county residents that you are listening and respond to the urgent need for affordable and workforce housing units. Use underutilized county land for affordable and workforce housing.

Thank you for your consideration.

60 people signed this week
Signatures: 102Next Goal: 200
60 people signed this week