Truth in Recruitment Townhall with Salud Carbajal: Expand draft registration to women or end it for all?

SBCAN is cosponsoring the Truth in Recruitment Townhall with Rep. Salud Carbajal: Will Congress ​Expand Military Draft Registration to Women?

We hope you will join in.


Hello Friends,

You are invited to a virtual Town Hall discussing proposed legislation that will require young women to register with the Selective Service System for a military draft. For over 40 years, only young men have been required to register with the Selective Service System. The decision to extend this mandatory registration to women is often portrayed as an act of equality and fairness; however, we firmly believe that instead of trying to expand draft registration to young women, Congress should end draft registration for all. Please join our discussion at this Town Hall to learn more about the Selective Service System, and to voice any concerns regarding mandatory draft registration.

Please visit to register for the event

Meet our Town Hall Panelists:

SSgt Anthony Loverde served for seven years in the Air Force. In 2008, he was discharged under the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” after coming out to his commander, when he could no longer ignore a hostile work environment. Anthony published a book called “A Silent Force: Men and Women Serving Under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and was published in several newspapers highlighting his service as a gay military man.

Osiel Ocampo is a Truth in Recruitment intern, and student at SBHS. He would like to attend college in a place with cold weather, and pursue a degree in English, with a concentration in creative writing. Osiel is passionate about social justice, and incorporating sustainability into everyday life. 

R. Lane Clark, MFA, artist and teacher works in painting, documentary video, clay, and garden design. Through a variety of artistic mediums, Clark helps people access their imagination to augment and deepen the healing process. Clark is currently serving as president of the Board of CLUE-Santa Barbara. He is a convinced member of the Santa Barbara Religious Society of Friends, (Quakers), taking active roles in its Peace, Earthcare, and Social Concerns Committee, Truth in Recruitment, and the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP).

Achante Smith is currently a senior at Ernest Righetti High School, and a Truth in Recruitment intern. Achante plans on being the first generation in her family to attend college after high school, and will serve her community with a career in nursing or mental health services. 
Congressman Salud Carbajalproudly represents the 24th Congressional District of California. The District includes the entirety of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties, and a portion of Ventura County. Salud sits on both the House Committee on Armed Services and the House Committee on the Budget. Salud is co-author of Bill HR 6415, which would extend mandatory draft registration to women. 

Santa Barbara Independent

Truth in Recruitment Director, Kate Connell, was recently featured in the Santa Barbara independent, highlighting the potential consequences of expanding mandatory draft registration. 
"Will Congress Expand Military Draft Registration to Women?
The Unstated Risks of Military Careers"

"Forcing young people to register subjects them to unexpected risks — boot camp alone can be a traumatizing and potentially life-threatening experience. Selective Service System registration has not been a given in past decades. Many have argued that it again be abolished. There is no reason to continue its existence or to widen registration by coercing new groups of people. Youth should have a choice in how to serve their communities and the nation."
Register for the Town Hall

Truth in Recruitment is a project of the Santa Barbara Friends (Quaker) Meeting, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our goal is to educate students, families, and school districts about alternatives to military careers, inform families of their children's privacy rights, and advocate for policies regulating recruiter presence on campuses.

Santa Barbara Friends Meeting/Truth in Recruitment
2012 Chapala Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105