- North County H.O.T. Committee Meeting THURSDAY
- South County H.O.T. Committee Meeting FRIDAY
- Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden "Fun Day" SATURDAY
- North County "Looking Forward" Awards Nominations
1. SB CAN North County H.O.T. (Housing, Open space and Transportation) Committee meeting
Thursday, November 13, 2014 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Rabobank, 1554 S. Broadway, Santa Maria
- Call to Order by Chair Jerry Connor; Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
- City of Santa Maria Housing Element: City Council hearing is on Nov. 18. Hancock Terrace is no longer being counted as “Very Low Income,” but Very Low and Low have been combined into one category, meaning that very-low income families may have fewer options available in the future. (10 min.)
- Measure P follow-up: voters did not support restrictions on oil production in the unincorporated areas of the county. We will discuss how to best use available resources, including grant funding that SB CAN has in hand, to protect residents of Santa Maria from oil and gas production within the city limits. (20 min.)
- Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery Rail Spur project: comments on DEIR are due on Nov. 24. The DEIR may have deficiencies. In any case, there are significant impacts on the Union Pacific main line that can’t be mitigated by San Luis Obispo County. The County could deny the project based on these impacts. (15 min.)
- Santa Maria Valley Business Park: Pacific Coast Business Times reported recently that the Santa Maria Airport District is expecting to receive final approval of its plans for an expanded business park. What can be done to ensure that expansion of the business park yields benefits to our whole community? (10 min.)
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Issues (10 min.)
- Green Team Update: Jeanne Sparks will report on progress at the Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden (5 min.)
- Other current items of interest to those in attendance (5 min.)
- Suggestions for next month’s agenda
2. SB CAN South County H.O.T. (Housing, Open space and Transportation) Committee meeting
Friday, November 14, 2014 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Rabobank, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Corner of Carrillo and Anacapa Streets, Santa Barbara
1. Call to Order; Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
2. Measure P Follow-up: voters did not support restrictions on oil production in the unincorporated areas of the county. We will report on the discussion at the Nov. 13 North County HOT Committee meeting about how to best use available resources, including grant funding that SB CAN has in hand, to protect residents of Santa Maria from oil and gas production within the city limits. We can also discuss other Measure P follow-up issues. (20 min.)
3. Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery Rail Spur project: This project is in San Luis Obispo County, just across the county boundary, but it has the potential to result in up to five 80-car trains full of crude oil each week traveling ``through all of Santa Barbara County. Comments on DEIR are due on Nov. 24. The DEIR may have deficiencies. In any case, there are significant impacts on the Union Pacific main line that can’t be mitigated by San Luis Obispo County. The County could deny (and in an op/ed by SB CAN staff to run in the SM Times on Nov. 14, we argue should deny) the project based on these impacts. (20 min.)
4. Other Potential Discussion Items:
- UCSB Long-Range Development Plan wins final approval at Coastal Commission—SUN’s impact (Dick Flacks)
- UCSB Sustainability Conference (Bill Shelor)
- Lompoc Co-op Festival (Ken/Jeanne)
- Mobile Home Project: Sharon Rose
- Sustainable Living Research Initiative (Ben Werner)
- Isla Vista Self-Governance project (Jonathan Abboud)
- Housing Elements
- Revised PRC 421 Re-commissioning Project: Final EIR available at
- Milpas St. Business Improvement District Proposal (Dick Flacks)
5. Anything of interest to those in attendance (10 min.)
6. Suggestions for next month’s agenda (5 min.)
3. Green Team Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden "Fun Day"
Saturday, November, 15 from 10 a.m. to noon
at the
Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden
and Flower Garden
Saturday, November 15, 2014
10 a.m. to Noon
Santa Maria Community Garden
910 S. Oakwood Drive, Santa Maria
We'll be looking over the great work we did November 2, discussing plans for the garden's future and doing some work on the adjacent flower garden that we maintain for the City of Santa Maria.
We planted 14 types of vegetables on November 2: Black Magic and Green kale, five types of lettuce (Lolla Rosa, Tango, Romaine, Green Oak and Red Oak), fennel, cauliflower, celery, endive, broccoli, chard and red cabbage. Thanks to Plantel Nurseries for the seedlings.
I'd like to ask individuals to each choose one vegetable to research and bring information on it to our meeting on November 15. I also need one volunteer to compile the information. We need to know things like the characteristics of the plant, what it needs to grow, how long it takes to reach maturity, and any other relevant information. Let me know which one you choose.
We're having a "fun day" this Saturday. We will try to meet two times a month now: the first Sunday and the third Saturday. For those of you who can't make Sundays, we hope you'll make Saturdays! Please mark your calendars (but look for our emails to reconfirm). Each meeting will start at 10 a.m. with a planning session (bring a chair, some food to share if you want, and your ideas). We'll talk, then do some work, then talk again.
We’re doing this because we want to encourage local residents to grow their own organic, delicious food, and to share our bounty with members of the community. We want to encourage children (and their parents) to enjoy fresh vegetables while they connect with the source of their food. And we want to have fun while we do it!
Bring your kids, too. We’ve had children as young as three years old help out, and we’ve had high school and college students as well young adults, middle aged adults, and some who are a bit older. This is a multi-generational, multicultural effort.
We hope to see you Saturday. Reservations are not necessary, but if you think you’ll make it, please let me know. (It makes me feel good to know people are coming.) Or if you have questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. And check us out (and “like” us) on Facebook:
4. Nominations for North County "Looking Forward" Awards
Deadline for nominations is December 12, 2014
Click here to download a printable awards nominations criteria and form (as shown below):
Santa Barbara County Action Network
North County “Looking Forward” Awards
It’s time to submit your nominations for the next North County “Looking Forward” Awards.
Awards will be presented at our annual spring dinner to individuals and organizations in the North County who have made significant contributions to the community.
Please take the time to nominate someone from your community who deserves recognition.
Criteria for Awards
• Open to individuals, local businesses and community organizations located or working in northern and central Santa Barbara County (Santa Maria, Lompoc, Santa Ynez, and Guadalupe areas.)
• Must have demonstrated commitment to social equity, diversity, social and economic justice, or environmental protection.
Award Categories
1. Social Justice Award – For promoting fairness, tolerance, equality, respect and compassion for all people in our community.
2. Environmental Protection and Sustainability Award – For valuing, protecting, and preserving our natural resources and environment.
3. Giving Back to the Community Award – For giving back selflessly to the community through volunteer activities and community projects.
4. Working Families Award - For helping working families to obtain affordable health care, housing, educational and job opportunities; or to improve wages, benefits, working conditions, and worker rights.
5. “Looking Forward” Award – For strong leadership and vision in community building, civic engagement, and improving the quality of life in our community.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
Thank you,
Ken Hough
SB CAN Executive Director
[email protected]
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If you are not already a member, please consider joining SB CAN, a progressive organization working to promote social and economic justice, to preserve our environmental and agricultural resources, and to create sustainable communities. SB CAN advocates a holistic approach to community planning that integrates housing, open space, and transportation to meet the needs of all members of our community and future generations.
SB CAN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Memberships and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Click here to become a member. Click here to make a donation.
We also have a Facebook page: "Like" us to keep abreast of new developments.
Thank you,
Ken Hough
SB CAN Executive Director