Let us know if you can attend SBCAN's Annual Membership Meeting on February 5th, 2023.
Please RSVP by emailing [email protected]
This will be a hybrid meeting with the option to join remotely via zoom. If you plan to attend via zoom, please register using this link.
As we “come of age” on our 21st anniversary, founding members will talk about the origins of Santa Barbara County Action Network, what the political climate was like in 2002, and why they saw a need for this organization. All SBCAN members will be invited to discuss how the organization has progressed through the last two decades and what their hopes are for the future of SBCAN.
Founding members who will be attending are: Dick Flacks, David Landecker, Rachel Couch, Joyce Howerton, Gary Atkins, and more (we hope!).
We will begin the meeting with a member social half-hour with a potluck, so please bring a snack or drink to share. We will also conduct the election of SBCAN Board of Directors and the installation of officers and at-large board members for 2023
We hope you will be able to join the festivities and the discussion during SBCAN’s annual membership meeting on Sunday, February 5, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Marks-in-the-Valley, 2901 Nojoqui Ave. in Los Olivos.
Please RSVP and let us know if you are bringing a dish by emailing [email protected]. See you then!