Please join us for
a Fun Day
at the

Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden
and Flower Garden
Saturday, February 28, 2015
10 a.m. to Noon
Santa Maria Community Garden
910 S. Oakwood Drive, Santa Maria

We're having a "fun day" this Saturday to pull a few weeds and talk about future plans.
Bring a chair, some food to share if you want, water to keep hydrated, gardening gloves, and your ideas. We'll talk, then do some work, then talk again.
Bring your kids, too. We’ve had children as young as three years old help out, and we’ve had high school and college students as well young adults, middle aged adults, and some who are a bit older. This is a multi-generational, multicultural effort.
We hope to see you Saturday. Please let me know if you can make it. If you're not sure ahead of time, just stop on by!
And check us out (and “like” us) on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentralCoastGreenTeam.
Members of the community are asked to participate in developing a Food Action Plan for Santa Barbara County. There will be a meeting in the Cornerstone Room, 705 S. McClelland, in Santa Maria on Tuesday, March 17 from 10 a.m. to noon. (See flyer below.)
I plan to attend. I hope some of you will join me.

The Natural History Museum will hold its annual Earth Day Event on Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Who can help with a booth for the Green Team? Please let me know.
Please considering becoming a member of the Central Coast Green Team to help us to continue the Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden and reaching out to help more members of the community get involved in growing their own organic, healthy food.
The Green Team is a project of Santa Barbara County Action Network (SB CAN). To become a member of the Green Team, sign up to be a member of SB CAN and send us an email letting us know you also want to be on the Green Team.
SB CAN is a progressive organization working to promote social and economic justice, to preserve our environmental and agricultural resources, and to create sustainable communities. SB CAN advocates a holistic approach to community planning that integrates housing, open space, and transportation to meet the needs of all members of our community and future generations.
SB CAN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Memberships and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Click here to become a member. Click here to make a donation.
SB CAN also has a Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/SBCANORG. "Like" us to keep up on the news.
Feel free to contact me with comments or questions.
Thank you,
Jeanne Sparks
[email protected]
Central Coast Green Team
A project of Santa Barbara County Action Network