Please join us at one of our roundtables - Thursday in Santa Maria or Friday in Santa Barbara --
SBCAN North County Roundtable
Thursday, May 10, 2018, 6 PM
Rabobank Conference Room, Battles and South Broadway, Santa Maria
(times are approximate)
- Call to Order; Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
- Proposition 68 and What It May Mean for Santa Barbara County. This measure is on the June 2018 ballot. It would authorize the issuance of up to $4 billion to finance the Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018. Mary Rose will present this item; two documents are below. (20 min.)
- Status of 750+ Unconventional Oil Wells Proposed for Cat Canyon. DEIRs are to be published soon. (20 min.)
- Proposed Development of Homes at Rancho Santa Maria Golf Club: The Neighborhoods.(5 min.)
- Annual Report on Santa Maria Valley Goundwater Basin.(5 min.--more if report is available)
- Open Streets Event in Santa Maria.(5 min.)
- SBCAN’s Looking Forward Awards Dinner.(5 min.)
- Open discussion about other items of interest.(15 min.)
- Suggestions for next month’s agenda (June 7).(5 min.)
SBCAN South County Roundtable
Friday, May 11, 2018, Noon
Union Bank’s Board Room, 15 East Carrillo St., Santa Barbara, CA
(times are approximate, and feel free to bring your lunch)
- Call to Order by Chair Dick Flacks. Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
- Presentation by Craig Minus of The Towbes Group on the Proposed Heritage Ridge Housing Development in Goleta.(20 min.)
- Continuing Discussion of How to Create Affordable Housing Including Land Trusts.(10 min.)
- Isla Vista Issues:Measure R and Landlord/Tenant Mediation. (10 min.)
- Update on Proposals for New Oil Drilling in Cat Canyon.(5 min.)
- Brief updates from participants. (2 to 5 min. each)
- Open discussion about other items of interest.All (5 min.)
- Next meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for June 8.
Proposition 68 – What’s in it for Santa Barbara County?
A Yes vote on Proposition 68 would authorize the issuance of up to $4 billion to finance the Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018.
This is a preliminary sampling of the most likely funding for various public and non-profit entities in Santa Barbara County. This is not an exhaustive list. Note, upon passage of the Measure, each state agency must develop and adopt project solicitation and evaluation guidelines.
Per Capita Allocation for Local Parks: $200 million is available for local park rehabilitation, creation, and improvement grants to local governments on a per capita basis. The minimum grant is $200,000 to a city or district, and $400,000 to a county. There is a 20% local match requirement except for severely disadvantaged communities[1].
Lower Cost Coastal Accommodations - Coastal Conservancy - $30 million: Competitive Grants for lower cost coastal accommodation grants and project development available to public agencies and nonprofit organizations. This is in addition to $30 million for lower cost accommodations within the State Park system.
Gaviota Coast: $63.75 million(Chapter 9, 80120.(c))[2]. Calls out $85 million to Coastal Conservancy; less 25% to SF Bay Area Conservancy, and (per 80008 2.b) 15% of funds must be allocated for projects “serving severely disadvantaged communities.” The most likely competitive project(s) would be on the Gaviota Coast.
State Parks. $218 millionto address deferred maintenance at 280 state parks and to improve facilities statewide. SB County State Parks will receive a portion of the funding. $18 million goes to Dept of Food & Agriculture for facility improvements at county and district fairs. Santa Maria Fairpark and Earl Warren Showgrounds should receive some funding.
Rural Investments:$25 millionin competitive grants to communities including counties with populations of less than 500,00 people and low population densities per square miles. Unclear if SB County could put together a competitive proposal.
Climate Preparedness, Habitat Resiliency, Resource Enhancement and innovation: $443 million statewide for projects that plan, develop and implement climate adaptation and resiliency projects. Eligible projects shall improve a community’s ability to adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change, improve and protect coastal and rural economies, agricultural viability, wildlife corridors, or habitat, develop further recreational opportunities, or enhance drought tolerance, landscape resilience, and water retention. Allows a portion to be used as matching grants for incentives to landowners on private lands. More information needed on specifics, as funds are distributed through various agencies and many funds are already earmarked for specific projects. Approximately $21.2 million through Coastal Conservancy.
Flood Protection and Repair: $200 million. Competitive grant program: $100 million shall be available for purposes of stormwater, mudslide, and other flash-flood related projects. $100 million available to Natural Resources Agency for competitive grants for “purposes of multi-benefit projects in urbanized areas to address flooding. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, stormwater capture and reuse, planning and implementation of low-impact development, restoration of urban streams and watersheds, and including permeable surfaces to help reduce flooding.”
[1]Disadvantaged Community: a community with a median household income less than 80% of the statewide average. (or less than $54,191) . Guadalupe ($41,907); Santa Maria ($51,939); Lompoc ($46,728)
Severely Disadvantaged Community:a community with a median household income less than 60% of the statewide average. (or less than $40,314). Isla Vista ($22,304)
[2]c) The sum of eighty-five million dollars ($85,000,000) shall be available to the State Coastal Conservancy for the protection of beaches, bays, wetlands, and coastal watershed resources pursuant to Division 21 (commencing with Section 31000). This shall include the acquisition of, or conservation easements on, land in or adjacent to the California coastal zone with open space, recreational, biological, cultural, scenic, or agricultural values, or lands adjacent to marine protected areas, including marine conservation areas, whose preservation will contribute to the ecological quality of those marine protected areas. This shall also include the protection of coastal agricultural resources pursuant to Section 31150 and projects to complete the California Coastal Trail pursuant to Section 31408.