Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 5 p.m.
We hope you'll join us for SB CAN's 11th annual Oscar Viewing Gala at the beautiful home of Susan Rose and Allan Ghitterman, 928 Las Palmas Drive, Santa Barbara.
We also hope you will help SB CAN to keep working on progressive causes on your behalf by sponsoring this event. You'll receive recognition at the event and in our emails. CLICK HERE TO SPONSOR
The Oscar Viewing Gala is a fun way to connect with other progressive members of the community while enjoying the Academy Awards on big screen TVs and indulging in a bountiful buffet. We’ll give a prize to the person who makes the best prediction of who all the winners will be. Appetizers, desserts and wine are included in the ticket price.
- A regular ticket is $45.
- If you are a member, it is $40.
CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS ( or email [email protected] and send your check to SB CAN, c/o Ken Hough, 1553 Eagle St., Santa Maria, CA 93454
Not sure if you renewed your membership dues? We've gone to a calendar year renewal. If you did not pay dues in December or January, you are not up to date. Please renew or join now by clicking here.
We hope you'll join us.