Potential loss of nearly 4,000 oaks in Nipomo, SM River watershed initiative & Bailey Avenue at Dec, 8, 2022 NC Roundtable

The potential loss of nearly 4,000 mature oaks in Nipomo has been added as a topic in our North County Roundtable meeting tomorrow - 
We hope you will join us!
Pelicans-P8260102.jpgPelicans at Santa Maria River estuary, Aug. 26, 2022, photo by Jeanne Sparks

SBCAN North County Roundtable
Thursday, December 8, 2022
5 - 6:30 PM
Via Zoom - link below


  1. Call to Order Introductions; Agenda Review
  2. Dana Reserve Development - Herb Kandel of the Citizens Action Committee will speak on a proposed development in Nipomo that would remove nearly 4,000 mature oaks and how it would impact Nipomo as well as Santa Maria.
  3. Healthy Watershed Initiative - Steph Wald of Creek Lands Conservation and Jeanne Sparks of SBCAN will explain our project to monitor the water in the Santa Maria River Estuary and how you can be involved. 
  4. Bailey Ave SOI - We will give an update on the City of Lompoc's attempt to expand its Sphere of Influence.  
  5. Updates from participants. Please let us know if there are items you want to bring up. (2 to 5 min. each)
  6. Our next meetings are to be determined and will be via Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Information about the proposed Dana Reserve Development

Information about Santa Maria River Healthy Watershed Initiative

Information about Bailey Avenue
