Help protect prime agricultural land outside of the City of Santa Maria at the Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, July 19th at 6:30pm.
On the heels of a big victory a few weeks ago with LAFCO denying Lompoc's repeated attempt to annex the Bailey Avenue corridor, now there are 1,000 acres outside of Santa Maria that are at risk of being annexed and developed as part of the Santa Maria General Plan Update Land Use Alternatives.
This Wednesday, July 19th at 6:30pm, the Santa Maria Planning Commission will vote to make a recommendation to the City Council about which Land Use Plan Alternative the City should adopt.
Here is a link to the agenda, and here is a link to participate via zoom. You can also attend in person at City Hall (110 East Cook Street).
City staff is recommending Alternative C, the "hybrid" alternative, which includes nearly 1,000 acres of land that would be annexed into the City.
Please join SBCAN and our partners in advocating for Alternative B, the infill alternative for the following reasons:
1. HOUSING: Alternative B provides the most new housing opportunities.
2. TRANSPORTATION: Alternative B best supports walkability and reduces VMTs in the City.
3. CLIMATE CHANGE: Alternative B is the only alternative that has a reduction in GHG emissions.
4. COST: While all 3 alternatives cost the same, alternative B would have higher revenue compared to Alternative C.
5. OPEN SPACE: Alternative B requires the least amount of greenfield land (open space, ag land, etc.) to be consumed.
Emailed comments can be submitted to Dana Eady ([email protected]) before the meeting.