- Rancho La Laguna Development at County Planning Commission, Wednesday, January 25
- Volunteers (and Socks) Needed for the Point In Time Count, Thursday, January 26
- Please MARK YOUR CALENDAR for a special SBCAN event on working together in this new era, Sunday, March 12 in Santa Barbara
Please MARK YOUR CALENDAR with the new date for the 2017 North County "Looking Forward" Awards Dinner: Sunday, June 11 in Santa Maria
1. Rancho La Laguna Development at County Planning Commission, Wednesday, January 25
On Wednesday, January 25, the County Planning Commission will consider approving the Final EIR for the Rancho La Laguna proposal to subdivide a 4,000-acre ranch into 13 lots. Each lot would have a "residential development envelope" of a few acres. The ranch, located on the east side of Foxen Canyon Road near Zaca Mesa Winery, currently has vineyards, row crops, and cattle grazing. The Environmental Defense Center, in representing the Santa Ynez Valley Alliance, argues that the subdivision would violate the County’s Agricultural Element and would set a precedent for further subdivsions of agricultural lands.Here is a link to SBCAN’s letter urging that the project be denied in the interest of conserving agricultural resources.
2. Volunteers (and Socks) Needed for the Point In Time Count, Thursday, January 26, 2017
Sign up and more information is available at www.commongroundsb.org.
If you'd like, bring socks and other supplies for persons experiencing homeless. They'll be given out during the survey. See below.

3. Please MARK YOUR CALENDAR for a special SBCAN event on working together in this new era, Sunday, March 12 in Santa Barbara from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. We'll give you more details later.
4. Please MARK YOUR CALENDAR with the new date for the 2017 North County "Looking Forward" Awards Dinner: Sunday, June 11 from 5 p.m.-8 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, 3455 Skyway Drive, Santa Maria.
We will recognize five outstanding individuals or organizations from the North County during our annual dinner in Santa Maria. Send us your nominations by January 27 to [email protected].
Criteria for Awards
• Open to individuals, local businesses and community organizations located or working in northern and central Santa Barbara County (Santa Maria, Lompoc, Santa Ynez, and Guadalupe areas.)
• Must have demonstrated commitment to social equity, diversity, social and economic justice, or environmental protection.
Award Categories
1. Social Justice Award – For promoting fairness, tolerance, equality, respect and compassion for all people in our community.
2. Environmental Protection and Sustainability Award – For valuing, protecting, and preserving our natural resources and environment.
3. Giving Back to the Community Award – For giving back selflessly to the community through volunteer activities and community projects.
4. Working Families Award - For helping working families to obtain affordable health care, housing, educational and job opportunities; or to improve wages, benefits, working conditions, and worker rights.
5. “Looking Forward” Award – For strong leadership and vision in community building, civic engagement, and improving the quality of life in our community.
Download the Awards Criteria and Nomination Form here, or just answer the following questions in an email and send to us by January 27.