1. SBCAN North County Roundtable meets Thursday, September 8 in Santa Maria
2. SBCAN South County Roundtable meets Friday, September 9 in Santa Barbara
3. SBCAN's Green Team invites you to help with the Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden in Santa Maria, Sunday, September 25
1. SBCAN North County Roundtable (formerly H.O.T. Committee) meets Thursday, September 8 in Santa Maria
SBCAN North County Roundtable
(formerly Housing, Open space & Transportation Committee)
6:00 PM
Cornerstone Community Meeting Room, corner of Jones Street at 705 S. McClelland, Santa Maria
- Call to Order; Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
- Board of Supervisors’ Consideration of Pacific Coast Energy Company's proposal to double their current 96-well cyclic steaming project: Planning Commission denied the project; PCEC appealed to the Board and it is expected to be heard in October. (10 min.)
- Phillips 66 Rail Terminal and other immediate hazards of oil-on-rail: monthly update on status of efforts to convince County of San Luis Obispo to disapprove the project; the SLO Planning Commission has now directed staff, who had recommended denial, to return in September with findings for approval. (10 min.)
- Motorsports Park and Drag Strip Proposed for Lompoc. On June 7 the City Council approved moving ahead with the processing of this project. Comments on the DEIR were due August 15. (5 min.)
- Bailey Avenue Corridor Annexation: The last time the Lompoc City Council considered this matter, direction was given to staff to initiate action that would lead to Local Agency Formation Consideration of the annexation request. (5 min.)
- Open discussion about other items of interest and things that should be on SBCAN’s agenda in the next several months. All (30 min.)
- Suggestions for October 13 meeting. (5 min.)
2. SBCAN South County Roundtable (formerly H.O.T. Committee) meets Friday, September 9 in Santa Barbara
SBCAN South County Roundtable
(formerly Housing, Open space & Transportation Committee)
12:00 noon
Rabobank, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 33 Carrillo St. (corner of Anacapa Street), Santa Barbara
1. Call to Order by Chair Dick Flacks. Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
2. Board of Supervisors’ Consideration of Pacific Coast Energy Company's proposal to double their current 96-well cyclic steaming project: Planning Commission denied the project; PCEC appealed to the Board and it is expected to be heard in October. (10 min.)
3. Phillips 66 Rail Terminal and other immediate hazards of oil-on-rail: monthly update on status of efforts to convince County of San Luis Obispo to disapprove the project; the SLO Planning Commission has now directed staff, who had recommended denial, to return in September with findings for approval. (10 min.)
4. Motorsports Park and Drag Strip Proposed for Lompoc. On June 7 the City Council approved moving ahead with the processing of this project. Comments on the DEIR were due August 15. (5 min.)
5. Shelby Foothill Proposal. This proposed conversion of agricultural land in Goleta to large-lot residential is a potential precedent for other foothill development. (10 min.)
6. Venoco Amortization in Goleta. SBCAN and other advocates are urging the city council to take action to declare that Venoco’s required profit has been achieved and that is time to close the Venoco on-shore oil processing facility. (10 min.)
7. Brief updates from invited, but not necessarily confirmed, participants (2 to 5 min. each)
a. Bike Coalition: Ed France
b. Milpas Business Improvement District: Jacquiline Inda
c. Sierra Club: Katie Davis
d. Food and Water Watch and World Business Academy: Becca Claassen
e. Mobile-Home Project: Sharon Rose
f. Isla Vista Self Governance: Jonathan Abboud
g. Citizens Planning Association: Lee Moldaver
h. Community Environmental Council: Jefferson Litton
i. Sustainability Living Research Initiative: Ben Werner
l. Other
8. Open discussion about other items of interest and things that should be on SBCAN’s agenda in the next several months. (10 min.)
9. Next meeting: Friday, October 14, 2016, same place.
3. SBCAN's Green Team invites you to help with the Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden in Santa Maria, Sunday, September 25 from 10 a.m. to noon. The garden is located at 910 S. Oakwood Drive.
Leonardo Espinoza Jr. is leading this "fun day" at the Edible Landscaping Demonstration Garden. He says:
You can give someone some food and feed them for a day, but teach them how to garden, you'll feed them for a season.
Bring your garden gloves and get ready to spruce up the garden. Invite your family and friends. Hope to see you there.
For more information, contact Leonardo Espinoza at [email protected].