RT meeting summaries, Gaviota Coast Plan, AmeriCorps Jobs, Rail Terminal, Editorial on Green Team

1. SBCAN Roundtable meeting summaries
2. Planning Commission Hearing on Gaviota Coast Plan, September 14
3. AmeriCorps Info Sessions in Santa Maria, Lompoc and Santa Barbara September 13-15
4. San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission Hearing on Phillips 66 Rail Terminal, September 22
5. Editorial on SBCAN's Green Team published September 9, 2016

1. SBCAN Roundtable meeting summaries

Click here for a summary of what was discussed at the SBCAN North County Roundtable on Thursday, September 8 in Santa Maria

    Click here for a summary of what was discussed at the SBCAN South County Roundtable on Friday, September 9 in Santa Barbara

2. Planning Commission Hearing on Gaviota Coast Plan, September 14

At its last meeting, the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission gave direction to staff, and this meeting is ostensibly to discuss and act on the staff responses to that direction. But it is also likely the last chance to urge the Commission to protect the Gaviota Coast from the dangers inherent in fracking, steam injection and other unconventional oil and gas extraction technologies.

The draft plan says these technologies "should be discouraged." The Environmental Defense Center argued to actually prohibit these practices, but staff advised the Commission against that. Now that the final public comment letters have been posted, we see that at least a couple of chambers of commerce are urging the Commission to delete the "should be discouraged" language.

The meeting starts at 9 A.M. but, with three substantial items coming ahead of it, the item will likely be considered after lunch. Nonetheless we hope you will come out to express your support from protecting the Gaviota Coast from extreme oil and gas extraction techniques.

3. AmeriCorps Info Sessions in Santa Maria, Lompoc and Santa Barbara September 13-15


For more information:
Emily Allen
Program Director
Common Ground Santa Barbara County
AmeriCorps Partnership For Veterans & People Experiencing Homelessness
United Way of Northern Santa Barbara County
(805) 403-5224

4. San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission Hearing on Phillips 66 Rail Terminal, September 22

Information from the Mesa Refinery Watch Group:



The public’s presence is critical - we must let Planning Commissioners know that citizens are opposed to the rail terminal project!

► Date/Time: Thursday, September 22, 2016. The session starts at 9:00 AM - but you should be there earlier to get a seat in the chambers and/or sign up to be a speaker.

► Location: Board of Supervisors’ Chambers, Room #D170, County Gov’t. Center; 1055 Monterey St., SLO; corner Santa Rosa St. & Monterey St. To the left of the Fremont Theater.

 “Public Comment:” Citizens will again tell commissioners why they must put our health and safety far above P66’s profits. 

Although we are vehemently opposed to the project under any circumstances, we will likely be able to comment on “new findings” and “conditions of approval” - i.e., the strict stipulations P66 must meet if the project were to unbelievably be approved.

• NOTE: Even if you’ve spoken at the hearings this year, you may do so again.  But please attend even if you don’t plan to speak.

 Topics Likely To Be Discussed: The commission and its staff may discuss the delay P66 is seeking, potential conditions of approval, a potential “statement of overriding considerations," and other subjects.

► Travel By Bus - Deadline Is Wednesday The 14th: The MRWG is sponsoring a fare-free bus to and from the meeting. It will leave 7AM sharp on Sept. 22nd from Trilogy’s Monarch Club in Nipomo. You must sign up ahead of time with the club’s concierge. First come, first served.

► What To Wear: Please wear BLACK in solidarity with other MRWG members. And, wear your MRWG “Derail The Spur” button!

 Contact Us: Send an email to Eunice King (MRWG’s Chief Administrator) to let her know you’ll attend or if you have questions -- [email protected]. Kindly include your phone number.

Lots of other great information is in the Mesa Refinery Watch Group's last newsletter, which we linked to in a recent Action Alert, and which can be seen here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwGiaUb2pm0PS3B3bDdSYmdBSkE/view.

5. Editorial on SBCAN's Green Team published September 9, 2016:

"Eat well from home, community gardens" is the latest SBCAN editorial published in the Santa Maria Times. It was written by Leonardo Espinoza Jr, the garden director for SBCAN's Green Team. 

Click here to read the editorial: http://www.sbcan.org/eat_well_from_home_community_gardens.