The South County Roundtable will begin with our Congressman Salud Carbajal, live from Washington, DC, giving us his report on the Capitol ordeal, expectations for the inaugural week—and a sense of what to expect in the first days of the Biden administration and the new congress.
Congressman Carbajal is only available for the first 15 minutes, so try to join between 11:40 a.m. and 11:50 a.m. so we can all settle in before he starts his remarks.
The remainder of our session will focus on State Street and downtown Santa Barbara. We've invited Alex Pujo, one of the leaders of the group of architects that initiated the participatory design charrette project for State St. He'll provide an overview to help us figure out possibilities and priorities for the State Street development. And council member Meagan Harmon, who chairs the council subcommittee on State Street, will be on hand to report on that committee's immediate purpose and plans, helping us to see how citizen engagement can be directed.
If time allows we will also hear updates on the upcoming eviction cliff in February and California Assembly Bill 15 which would extend COVID tenant protections.
Hopefully there will be time for some short announcements and reports.
If you haven't already, please let me know if you will attend so I can send you the Zoom link.
SBCAN North County Roundtable