1. North County H.O.T. Committee Meeting - Thursday, March 13
2. South County H.O.T. Committee Meeting - Friday, March 14
3. North Garey Oil Project - Wednesday, March 12
The details:
SB CAN North County Housing, Open space & Transportation Committee
Thursday, March 13, 2014, 6 p.m.
Rabobank, 1554 S. Broadway, Santa Maria (on the corner of Broadway and Battles Road)
1. Call to Order by Chair Jerry Connor; Introductions; Agenda Review (10 min.)
2. Measure M: Infrastructure Initiative (5 min.)
3. Current Oil Production Proposals (10 min.)
- Pacific Coast Energy proposal for 96 oil wells; DEIR scoping meeting on March 5
- North Garey proposal for 56 oil wells; Planning Commission hearing on March 12
- Others?
4. Proposed Countywide Ban on Fracking, Cyclic Steaming & Acidization (20 min.)
5. Proposed ICE Facility in Santa Maria (5 min.)
6. Anything of interest to those in attendance (10 min.)
- Rail spur to Phillips 66 refinery
- Others?
7. Suggestions for next month’s agenda (5 min.)
Our Housing, Open space and Transportation (H.O.T.) Committee meetings are open to all who share a progressive point of view.
SB CAN South County Housing, Open space & Transportation Committee
Friday, March 14, 2014, 11:30 a.m.
Rabobank, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Corner of Carrillo and Anacapa Streets, Santa Barbara, CA
1. Call to Order by Chair Dick Flacks; Introductions; Agenda Review (10 min.)
2. Measure M: Infrastructure Initiative (5 min.)
3. Current Oil Production Proposals (10 min.)
- Pacific Coast Energy proposal for 96 oil wells; DEIR scoping meeting on March 5
- North Garey proposal for 56 oil wells; Planning Commission hearing on March 12
- Others?
4. Proposed Countywide Ban on Fracking, Cyclic Steaming & Acidization (30 min.)
5. Sustainable Living Research Ordinance (10 min.)
6. Community Wealth (20 min.)
7. Anything of interest to those in attendance (10 min.)
- Bike Coalition Update
- Rail spur to Phillips 66 refinery
- Others?
8. Suggestions for next month’s agenda (5 min.)
Our Housing, Open space and Transportation (H.O.T.) Committee meetings are open to all who share a progressive point of view.
North Garey Oil and Gas Drilling Production Plan
Santa Barbara County Planning Commission Hearing
Wednesday, March 12
We plan to testify at the Wednesday, March 12 hearing of the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission regarding the North Garey Oil and Gas Drilling Production Plan. The Commission will consider approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration under CEQA. The project consists of 56 oil wells--some new, some re-drilled--surrounding the bucolic community of Garey, a few miles east of Santa Maria.
Our main concerns are: 1) greenhouse-gas emissions, which would fall just under the County's interim 10,000 metric ton threshold of significance, allowing a finding of "no significant impact," (SB CAN continues to support a zero-emission threshold); 2) use of up to 24 acre feet per year of fresh water from the Santa Maria Valley aquifer, which is in a state of overdraft; and 3) conversion of 12 acres of agricultural land to drilling pads. We have not polled the residents of Garey--and they may welcome the traffic, noise and smells--but if they do not, we share that concern as well.
If you want to testify as well, please call me at 563-0463 or check the County Planning Commission website. It is later on the agenda so it is hard to say what time the item will be heard.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Ken Hough
Executive Director
[email protected]
(805) 563-0463