Public Hearing on
The Santa Maria Valley Management Area
2014 Annual Report of Hydrogeologic Conditions, Water Requirements, Supplies and Disposition
2 p.m. Friday, June 5, 2015
Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, Betteravia Government Center,
511 E. Lakeside Parkway, Santa Maria
Are you interested in water issues in the Santa Maria Valley. If so, this meeting is for you.
The Twitchell Management Authority will solicit input regarding The Santa Maria Valley Management Area 2014 Annual Report of Hydrogeologic Conditions, Water Requirements, Supplies and Disposition.
The report was prepared by Luhdorff and Scalmanini Consulting Engineers, April 2015, according to the terms of the June 30, 2005 Stipulation in the Santa Maria Valley Water Conservation District v. City of Santa Maria, et al.
For more information, contact Twitchell Management Authority at 805.925.0951, ext. 7270. Written comments can be sent by June 8 at 10 a.m. to: TMA, 2065 E. Main St, Santa Maria, CA 93454.
The report is available at:
The Introduction of the Report states:

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Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
Thank you,
Ken Hough
SB CAN Executive Director
[email protected]