SB County Grassroots Green New Deal online on Sat, May 15

The Climate Justice Network's Green New Deal Subcommittee would like to invite you to the Junta Grande virtual celebration on Saturday, May 15!

This will be a celebration of the cumulation of over a year's worth of work gathering information from the community via house meetings. 

The event will be a chance for those who participated in house meetings to hear findings, and for those who are interested to learn about this project and how to help make it a reality. 

Please register at this link:

Facebook event:

Junta Grande for the Green New Deal

Come learn about the Central Coast Green New Deal proposal
and join in the movement to make it a reality!

May 15, 2021, 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time

Junta Grande del Nuevo Acuerdo Verde

¡Venga a conocer la propuesta del Nuevo Acuerdo Verde de la Costa Central
y únase al movimiento para hacerlo realidad!

15 de mayo de 2021 12 PM en hora del Pacífico (EE. UU. Y Canadá)
