The Climate Justice Network's Green New Deal Subcommittee would like to invite you to the Junta Grande virtual celebration on Saturday, May 15!
This will be a celebration of the cumulation of over a year's worth of work gathering information from the community via house meetings.
The event will be a chance for those who participated in house meetings to hear findings, and for those who are interested to learn about this project and how to help make it a reality.
Please register at this link:
Facebook event:
Junta Grande for the Green New Deal
Come learn about the Central Coast Green New Deal proposal
and join in the movement to make it a reality!
May 15, 2021, 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Junta Grande del Nuevo Acuerdo Verde
¡Venga a conocer la propuesta del Nuevo Acuerdo Verde de la Costa Central
y únase al movimiento para hacerlo realidad!
15 de mayo de 2021 12 PM en hora del Pacífico (EE. UU. Y Canadá)