The Santa Barbara County Water Agency (SBCWA) is holding a meeting on Thursday to receive public input on the preparation of a Santa Barbara Countywide Integrated Storm Water Resource Plan (SWRP).
5:30 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 12
Betteravia Admin Complex
511 E. Lakeside Parkway 93454
Betteravia Admin Complex
511 E. Lakeside Parkway 93454
This meeting is being held by the SBCWA and its partner agencies, which include the cities of Buellton, Carpinteria, Goleta, Guadalupe and Solvang; Carpinteria Valley and Montecito water districts; and UCSB.
Public input from these meetings will inform the development of the Plan. The SWRP is funded by a state planning grant awarded to the County pursuant to the Stormwater Resource Planning Act (SB 985).
In 2014, the California Legislature adopted SB 985 that requires public agencies to develop a stormwater resource plan as part of the grant funding request process, including a collaborative effort with input from stakeholders throughout the County in order to identify and prioritize multiple benefit stormwater (and dry weather) runoff projects that improve regional water self-reliance, and adapt to the effects on water supply arising from climate change. Beneficial projects include improving stormwater quality, increasing water supplies, flood management, and environmental and community benefits.
For information about this meeting and how to provide public comment, contact John Karamitsos, Program Specialist, at (805)739-8761 or [email protected]. For more information on the SBCWA, visit
You can find the Board of Supervisor’s Agenda letter regarding the project here, and a PowerPoint presentation used earlier in the process with background information here.
You can find the Board of Supervisor’s Agenda letter regarding the project here, and a PowerPoint presentation used earlier in the process with background information here.