SBCAN: Women's March SMV at 2pm on Sun, Mar 6 at Minami Center

Please see this message from our friends at Women's March Santa Maria.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Women’s March is Returning to Santa Maria

Santa Maria is one of the 4th Annual Women’s Marches to be held nationwide in 2022

Who: Women’s March Santa Maria Valley

What: Joining thousands of Women’s March Sister Marches worldwide

When: March 6, 2022, from 2 pm to 4 pm

Where: The event will be held at the Minami Center (Enos and Depot). We will march from the Center east to Broadway, then north to Stowell, west to Depot and return on Enos.

Women’s March Santa Maria Valley announces its 4th annual Women’s March to be held on Sunday, March 6. The March is being held in conjunction with International Women’s Day, an event that provides an opportunity to reinforce the fact that everyone has a role to play in forging a more gender-balanced world.

The Santa Maria Women’s March is led by women, but is for everyone,” said Audy Macdonald, a spokesperson for Women’s March SMV. "When women rise, we bring our communities with us, and our march will bring together people from all backgrounds, faiths, genders, ethnicities, disabilities, sexualities, ages, and immigration statuses.”

We will march together again as part of the nationwide #WomensWave movement. “We recognize that transformative changes are driven by grassroots actions and political activism,” continues Macdonald. “Our Women’s March will promote and celebrate the empowerment of all women in the Santa Maria Valley as we continue to work together to create change and inclusion in our city and county.”

For more information on the Women’s March Santa Maria Valley, contact [email protected] or follow them on; Twitter/#WomensMarchSMV; Instagram/@WomensMarchSMV.

For interviews, contact Audy Macdonald at [email protected]; Daisy Basulto at [email protected] (English/Spanish); or Pam Gates at [email protected].