Historic Labor Law Discussed This Friday at South County Roundtable - Sept. 16th

The state legislature recently passed and Governor Newsom signed The FAST Recovery Act (AB 257): a historic labor law that provides a framework for hundreds of thousands of fast food workers to be represented in the establishment of state standards for wages and working conditions in the fast food industry. UCSB history professor Nelson Lichtenstein, one of the leading labor historians in the U.S., will dialog about this groundbreaking law and how it fits into the revival of labor movement organizing happening today. We will discuss this Friday, September 16th at noon. Register below to join us.

SBCAN South County Roundtable
Friday, September 16th, 2022
12 - 1:30 PM
Via Zoom - link below


  1. Call to Order Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
  2. FAST Recovery Act (AB 257) - UCSB history professor Nelson Lichtenstein will present about a groundbreaking labor law for the restaurant industry and how it fits into the revival of labor movement organizing happening today. 
  3. Brief updates from participants. Please let us know if there are items you want to bring up. (2 to 5 min. each)
  4. Our next meetings are to be determined and will be via Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.