On Wednesday, April 26th the County Planning Commission will decide whether or not to approve ExxonMobil's attempts to upgrade the valves on their existing pipeline. This pipeline, which was formerly owned by Plains, is the pipeline that ruptured in 2015, causing the Refugio oil spill. Since then, the pipeline has not been operating, and is now heavily corroded. For ExxonMobil, getting approval for their valve upgrades is just one step towards reviving this pipeline.
Please join SBCAN and our partners in urging the Planning Commission to support the appeals and deny the valve upgrade project or to prepare a supplemental Environmental Impact Report that takes the current corroded state of the pipeline into consideration.
The meeting is this Wednesday, April 26th, starting at 9am at 123 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara and on zoom. If you plan to attend via Zoom, register in advance at this link: https://countyofsb.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cfjPCnPzRD6foNtaa7qaIQ. This is item #1 on the agenda, and SBCAN and our partners are in support of the appeals.
Here are additional talking points on which you can draw to craft your public comment.
Thank you for showing up in opposition to dangerous oil projects in Santa Barbara County!