For more than 20 years, the City of Lompoc has been trying to annex prime farmland on its western edge to allow for urban development. Tomorrow evening, June 21 at 6:30pm, the City Council will again consider taking action to facilitate this development.
The City needs approval from the Santa Barbara County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) if this development is to happen. In 1999, LAFCO denied the City’s annexation proposal. The state law that governs LAFCOs makes it very difficult for a LAFCO to justify urbanization of prime agricultural lands.
Now, rather than seeking annexation, the City will consider asking LAFCO to approve a first step: bringing two large Bailey Avenue properties into the City’s “Sphere of Influence.” The stated reason to do this is that there were legal and procedural impediments to seeking expansion of the sphere of influence at the same time as annexation.
The City needs to hear again from residents, farmers, and civic organizations that the proposal is unnecessary because there is sufficient developable land within the city limits and it would be harmful to health and welfare of the community.
Please make your voice heard. Emails are accepted until 4 PM tomorrow and testimony can be made in person or by telephone. Links are attached with the agenda and instructions.
Staff Report: