We invite you to come out for the first Women's March in Santa Maria on Saturday, January 19 starting at 10 a.m. at Buena Vista Park, 800 S. Pine St. to support progressive values and celebrate achievements of the 2018 elections.
City Councilwoman Gloria Soto will be a featured speaker, along with others.
Around 11 a.m., participants will march east on Morrison Avenue to Broadway, then south to Enos Drive, then west to Minami Park at 600 W. Enos Drive.
Around noon, there will be several speakers at Minami Park, including Rep. Salud Carbajal, Santa Maria Mayor Alice Patino, Santa Barbara County 3rd District Supervisor Joan Hartmann and Planned Parenthood Central Coast CEO Jenna Tosh.
Find more details in the Santa Maria Times article: https://santamariatimes.com/news/local/santa-maria-valley-women-s-march-to-celebrate-progressive-values/article_0e354bfb-0ee4-5576-88e5-7771e71a45a5.html#tracking-source=home-trending
Also the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/womensmarchsmv