Action Alerts

  • SBCAN SC Roundtable Fri, Oct 20 at noon - join us!

    SBCAN South County Roundtable

    Friday, October 20, 2017, Noon

    Union Bank’s Back Patio, 15 East Carrillo St., Santa Barbara, CA


    (times are approximate)

    1. Call to Order by Chair Dick Flacks. Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
    2. Reflections on City of Santa Barbara Election. Dick Flacks will lead a discussion about the politics and policy issues in play with this upcoming municipal election. Issues include how to revive retail on State Street, whether to approve a sales tax to better maintain infrastructure, and more. (30 min.)
    3. Status of Average Unit Density and Tenants Rights in the City of Santa Barbara. Frank Rodriguez of CAUSE and Mickey Flacks will lead a discussion of these issues. (15 min.)
    4. “Soul of the City:” John Klein will brief us on the short film he is producing, which is both a tribute to an unsung Latino leader and role model in Santa Barbara, Francisco Aguilera, and a reminder to the community of the fragility of the public land known as East Beach. 
    5. Brief updates from participants. (2 to 5 min. each)
    6. Next meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for November 10.
  • NC Roundtable cancelled tonight, SC Roundtable rescheduled

    The North County Roundtable scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. We hope you will attend the county's Storm Water meeting instead. (See yesterday's action alert.)

    The South County Roundtable scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed to next Friday, October 20. We will send more details later.

    Thank you,

    Ken Hough
    SBCAN Executive Director

  • Broke: The Santa Barbara Oil Pipeline Spill of 2015 documentary needs your help

    Hi Friend –

    Longtime SBCAN member and supporter Gail Osherenko has produced a film about the 2015 oil spill at Refugio Beach. Now she has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise needed funds to complete and promote the film. It will be about 55 min long. 

    Please go to to read about the film and the campaign and to view the short trailer. 

    And after you make a pledge, forward the information via Facebook or other methods.  Thanks!

    Here's the message from Gail Osherenko:

  • SBCAN encourages you to participate in the Countywide Storm Water Resource Plan

    The Santa Barbara County Water Agency (SBCWA) is holding a meeting on Thursday to receive public input on the preparation of a Santa Barbara Countywide Integrated Storm Water Resource Plan (SWRP).
    5:30 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 12
    Betteravia Admin Complex
    511 E. Lakeside Parkway 93454
    This meeting is being held by the SBCWA and its partner agencies, which include the cities of Buellton, Carpinteria, Goleta, Guadalupe and Solvang; Carpinteria Valley and Montecito water districts; and UCSB. 
    Public input from these meetings will inform the development of the Plan. The SWRP is funded by a state planning grant awarded to the County pursuant to the Stormwater Resource Planning Act (SB 985).
    In 2014, the California Legislature adopted SB 985 that requires public agencies to develop a stormwater resource plan as part of the grant funding request process, including a collaborative effort with input from stakeholders throughout the County in order to identify and prioritize multiple benefit  stormwater (and dry weather) runoff projects that improve regional water self-reliance, and adapt to the effects on water supply arising from climate change. Beneficial projects include improving stormwater quality, increasing water supplies, flood management, and environmental and community benefits.
    For information about this meeting and how to provide public comment, contact John Karamitsos, Program Specialist, at (805)739-8761 or [email protected]. For more information on the SBCWA, visit

    You can find the Board of Supervisor’s Agenda letter regarding the project here, and a PowerPoint presentation used earlier in the process with background information here.

  • SBCAN: Phillips 66 drops rail spur lawsuit

    In what appears to be the final chapter of this saga, Phillips 66 has dropped its lawsuit against San Luis Obispo County challenging the county's denial of its project.

    Two and a half years ago, SBCAN raised the alarm in Santa Barbara County regarding the possibility of dangerous crude-oil trains bringing Canadian tar-sands oil through our county. In July 2015, SBCAN published a report prepared by Jane Baxter detailing the many hazards to our communities and to our coastal and other environmental resources.

    SBCAN and others encouraged several of our local jurisdictions to urge SLO to deny the project. The SLO County Board of Supervisors upheld the Planning Commission's denial. Now, the last-ditch lawsuit has been dropped.

    Here's an article in The Tribune: Phillips 66 agrees to drop lawsuit over oil trains to Nipomo refinery

  • Come to SC Roundtable Fri, Sept 22 at noon

    We hope you will join us for our first South County Roundtable meeting of fall 2017. 

    The agenda is below. It includes important items about Tajiguas Landfill, Santa Barbara's housing issues, issues in Goleta, and a chance for other issues to be brought to SBCAN's attention.

    Please join us on September 22 at noon.

    Ken Hough
    SBCAN Executive Director
    [email protected]

    SBCAN South County Roundtable

    Friday, September 22, 2017, Noon

    Union Bank’s Community Room, 15 East Carrillo St., Santa Barbara, CA


     (times are approximate)

    1. Call to Order by Chair Dick Flacks. Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
    2. Tajiguas Landfill Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Marc Chytilo, who is representing the Gaviota Coast Conservancy, and Sigrid Wright, of the Community Environmental Council, will explain why they are opposing the amendment. Leslie Wells, program manager for County Public Works and Mark Schleich, deputy director of Public Works will provide background information about the project. The Planning Commission recently approved the amendment and related actions. (40 min.) County information can be found at:    An op/ed by Marc and Sigrid can be found at:     The staff report for the Planning Commission can be found at: 
    3. Status of Average Unit Density and Tenants Rights in the City of Santa Barbara. Frank Rodriguez of CAUSE will update us on these issues. (15 min.)
    4. Discussion of Goleta Issues Including Goleta Beach and the Eucalyptus Situation at the Elwood Butterfly Grove. (10 min.)
    5. Community Choice Energy Feasibility Study.  The County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to consider the results of the study on October 3. The study is available at (10 min.)
    6.  Brief updates from participants. (2 to 5 min. each)
    7. Next meeting.  Our next meeting is scheduled for October 13.  
  • Come to NC Roundtable Thurs, Sept 14 in SM

    We hope you had a good summer and that you will join us for our first North County Roundtable meeting of fall 2017.

    The agenda is below. 

    Please join us on September 14 and please let me know if there are other issues that need to be discussed at this meeting.

    Ken Hough
    SBCAN Executive Director
    [email protected]

    SBCAN North County Roundtable

    Thursday, September 14, 2017, 6 PM

    Cornerstone Community Room, 705 S. McClelland 

    (next to the Discovery Museum), Santa Maria, CA


    1. Call to Order by Janet Blevins; Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
    2. OFF Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act (HR 3671). Alena Simon will report on this House Resolution, which would set a goal of 100% renewable energy by 2035.  (10 min.)
    3. Rancho La Laguna. This mid-county proposal to subdivide a 4,000-acre ranch into 13 lots for luxury estates was denied by the County Planning Commission in April and the Board of Supervisors upheld the denial on August 29. (5 min.) 
    4. The Community Research Project of the Santa Maria Valley.Jane Baxter will report on the formation of this new project. (10 min.)
    5. Status of 750+ Unconventional Oil Wells Proposed for East Cat Canyon. (10 min.)
    6. DACA and Related Immigration Matters. (10 min.)
    7. Bailey Avenue Corridor Annexation. (5 min.)
    8. OASIS Community Center in Orcutt. (10 min.)
    9. The Neighborhoods: Proposed New Housing Near Rancho Maria Golf Club. (10 min.)
    10. Open discussion about other items of interest. All (10 min.)
    11. Suggestions for next month’s agenda (October 12).  (5 min.)
  • SBCAN SC Roundtable date changed to Sept 22

    We hope you  had a good summer and that you will join us for our first South County Roundtable meeting of fall 2017. We have changed the meeting date this month from our usual second Friday to Friday, September 22 at noon at Union Bank’s Community Room, 15 East Carrillo, Santa Barbara.

    The draft agenda is below. It includes important items about Tajiguas Landfill, Santa Barbara's housing issues, issues in Goleta, and a chance for other issues to be brought to SBCAN's attention.

    Please join us on September 22 at noon and please let me know if there are other issues that need to be discussed at this meeting.

    Ken Hough
    SBCAN Executive Director
    [email protected]

  • SBCAN: Help save farm and ranch land from becoming upscale estates

    Hi Jeanne –

    On Tuesday, August 29, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors will consider the appeal of its Planning Commission's denial of a proposal to subdivide 4,000 acres of farmland and ranchland, known as Rancho La Laguna, into 13 parcels for upscale estates.

    Rancho La Laguna - Photo by Mark Oliver
  • SBCAN: Peace Vigil tonight at 6:30 pm at Santa Maria City Hall - join us!

    Join us in a Vigil for Peace ~ Friday, August 25, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. ~ Corner of South Broadway & West Cook, Santa Maria

    This event is for all citizens who believe that a diverse, rich culture adds to our nation; where people are not excluded due to race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or financial status. Join us in sending a powerful message of inclusion, not division. Help us stand united against hate & racism.