This Friday we will have updates about the renoviction issue at the County level, and other housing issues. We will also hear from Ben Pitterle from Los Padres Forest Watch about how the ring nets installed in the wake of the Montecito Debris Flow are having unintended negative impacts on our creeks. We will also receive an update from UFCW Local 770 president Kathy Finn about the proposed grocery merger of Albertsons and Kroger, and what it means for consumers and workers.
SBCAN South County Roundtable
Friday, June 30, 2023
12 - 1:30 PM
Via Zoom - register at the link below
- Call to Order Introductions; Agenda Review
- Ring Nets and Creeks- Ben Pitterle from Los Padres Forest Watch will discuss some negative impacts from the Montecito Emergency Debris Flow Mitigation Project, and what can be done to address the issue.
- Proposed Grocery Merger - UFCW Local 770 President Kathy Finn will give us an update about the proposed Albertsons - Kroger merger and what it means for consumers and workers.
- County Renovictions- After weeks of advocacy and organizing from tenant activists, this Tuesday the County Board of Supervisors passed amendments to strengthen the Just Cause ordinance. We will hear about what this means for tenants and what the next steps are to further increase protections.
- Other Housing Updates- We will hear other updates related to housing issues at the State and local level.
- Our next meetings are to be determined and will be via Zoom.