Open Streets Santa Maria planning meeting Wednesday, October 3, 2018

We hope you can join us to help plan an open streets event in Santa Maria coordinated by SBCAG Traffic Solutions.


We are meeting Wednesday, October 3 from noon to 1 pm at CET (Center for Employment Training, 509 W. Morrison Ave., Santa Maria). 

Traffic Solutions will have sandwiches, so please RSVP to Kent Epperson ([email protected]) so that he can have a headcount.  Let him know if you prefer a vegetarian sandwich.

We would like your involvement as an individual, as a nonprofit, or as a business.

Santa Maria Open Streets ¡Calles Vivas! (Streets Alive!) offers the Santa Maria community a free, safe and family-friendly recreation and fitness zone: our public roadways! With no motorized traffic for a day, designated streets come alive with adults and children engaging in fitness, art, music, dance and cultural activities. Routes feature local businesses and attractions, and strive to improve public health for people of all cultures, incomes, and physical abilities.

This will be the first annual Santa Maria Open Streets event. It is tentatively scheduled to be March 31, 2019. The route will be approximately 1.1 miles long on Main Street from Broadway to Blosser and from Main to Russell Park. You can expect all of the fun activities of other Open Streets events such as in Guadalupe, Carpinteria, Santa Barbara and Lompoc, but with a Santa Maria flare.

The event is coordinated by Traffic Solutions with the help of numerous volunteers from Santa Maria. The main topic of the meeting on Wednesday will be organizing the location of the activity zones, signage, poster art and expanding our activity providers. After the meeting, those who would like to will be traveling the route to do another round of outreach to the businesses.

We hope you will get involved with the planning by attending our meeting this Wednesday.

For more information about the event, contact Carlos Escobedo at [email protected] or 805.819.8727.