We hope you'll join us for our Roundtables this week:
SBCAN North County Roundtable
6 p.m. Thursday, November 12
via Zoom
We will have open discussion about election results (non-partisan, of course) and the potential impacts on SBCAN's policy agenda. Congratulations to Janet Blevins, SBCAN's co-president, elected to the Lompoc School Board!
One item we have discussed before--The Neighborhoods at Willow Creek and Hidden Canyon--will be heard for the second time earlier on Thursday by the County Planning Commission. The staff report and related materials are here:
The item will likely be heard for a third time, date TBD.
Another recurring topic is the Santa Maria General Plan Update. Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 6:30, the City is hosting a Community Visioning Workshop. Details are in this article in Sunday's Santa Maria Times:
Finally, we'll discuss oil issues; celebrating Terracore's withdrawal of its Cat Canyon expansion proposal; next up, continued opposition to ExxonMobil's proposal to restart their offshore oil production and truck the oil to somewhere (apparently not to Santa Maria, as Phillips now plans to close its Santa Maria Refinery in a couple of years).
Please let me know if you will attend so I can be sure to send you the Zoom link. Also please let me know if there are items you would like to see discussed or that you would like to present on.
SBCAN South County Roundtable
Noon Friday, November 13
via Zoom
We will have open discussion about election results (non-partisan, of course) and the potential impacts on SBCAN's policy agenda. Congratulations to Janet Blevins, SBCAN's co-president, elected to the Lompoc School Board!
Relocation assistance for no-fault eviction of tenants, an issue before the Santa Barbara City Council is a continuing subject of our Roundtable discussions; Dick Flacks submitted comments on SBCAN's behalf and will report on the matter.
The formation of the County's Redistricting Commission is something to discuss. The first five of 11 commissioners have been selected and those five have the task of selecting the final six, taking ethnic, age, and other diversity concerns into account. Mary Rose will report on this topic.
Topics from our last meeting (September 17, 2020) that participants wanted to discuss at our next meeting include: Public Banking, Accessory Dwelling Units, and a potential police and sheriff oversight commission.
Finally, we'll discuss oil issues; celebrating Terracore's withdrawal of its Cat Canyon expansion proposal; next up, continued opposition to ExxonMobil's proposal to restart its offshore oil production and truck the oil to somewhere (apparently not to Santa Maria, as Phillips now plans to close its Santa Maria Refinery in a couple of years).
Please let me know if you will attend so I can be sure to send you the Zoom link. Also please let me know if there are items you would like to see discussed or that you would like to present on.
Hope to see you this week!
Ken Hough
SBCAN Executive Director
[email protected]