We hope you'll join us for SB CAN's 10th annual Oscar Viewing Gala at the home of Susan Rose and Allan Ghitterman in Santa Barbara on Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 5 p.m.
Watch the Academy Awards Show on Big Screen TVs
Indulge in a bountiful buffet
Nab the Grand Prize for best predictor
Nibble hearty appetizers and luscious desserts
Enjoy the company of friends
Revel in the general merriment
Savor sumptuous local wines
- A regular ticket is $45.
- If you pay by February 22, OR you are a member, it is $40.
- If you pay by February 22, AND you are a member, it is $35.
Buy tickets online at www.sbcan.org, OR
RSVP by email to [email protected], AND send your check to SB CAN, P.O. Box 23453, Santa Barbara, CA 93121.
For more information, contact me at [email protected] or 805.563.0463.
Ken Hough
SB CAN Executive Director
[email protected]
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