SBCAN Roundtables Information

SBCAN Roundtables took a hiatus when the coronavirus necessitated stopping all in-person public meetings. We are coming back now via Zoom. The South County Roundtable will resume next month. The North County Roundtable will resume on Thursday.

SBCAN North County Roundtable
Thursday, June 11,  6 PM to 7:30 PM via Zoom

We hope you will be able to join us:

Here's the Zoom link:


  1. Call to Order by Janet Blevins: Introductions; agenda review (5 min.)
  2. Urban Growth Boundary for Solvang. At our last meeting (Feb. 13) Nancy Emerson and Susan Bott joined us to discuss their ideas on this topic. The proposal has qualified for the November ballot! Celebration time! (5 min.)
  3. Proposed Development in Solvang. Blended-use project proposed by Ed St. George involving the Veterans Hall. Public workshop sessions are scheduled for June 27. (5 min.)
  4. Open Discussion Regarding Social Justice Issues and Recent Protests. (Time TBD)
  5. Santa Maria’s Blosser Southeast Area 5B Specific Plan. This plan pertains to the last large agricultural tract in the City of Santa Maria. Here is the link to the Specific Plan: (10 min.)
  6. Oak Trees Destroyed on Santa Maria Airport Property. Discuss status of tree ordinance in Santa Maria. (5 min.)
  7. Bailey Avenue Annexation Proposal in Lompoc. Under consideration for the last decade or more, this expansion of the City of Lompoc into prime agricultural lands to the west is being advanced by the city to the Local Agency Formation Commission. (10 min.)
  8. City of Santa Maria General Plan Update. This plan update raises the strong possibility of Santa Maria taking action to expand its sphere of influence and city boundaries into adjacent prime agricultural lands.  (10 min.)
  9. CalGEM Consideration of Aquifer Exemptions for Oil Wastewater Injections. (5 min.)
  10. Status of Onshore Oil Projects: ERG, Aera and PetroRock in Cat Canyon, and BLM Lease Proposal. Mostly good news as Aera and PetroRock have withdrawn their applications. (10 min.)
  11. Exxon/Mobil Restart and Trucking Proposal. FEIR to be released later this summer. (5 min.)
  12. Brief updates from participants. (2 to 5 min. each)
  13. Open discussion about other items of interest. All (10 min.)
  14. Next meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 9 via Zoom.

If you have trouble joining the meeting, call me at 805.563.0463.

Be well. Stay safe.

Ken Hough
SBCAN Executive Director
[email protected]