SBCAN Roundtables Thurs and Fri in SM and SB

Hi Jeanne –

Join us for our roundtables in Santa Maria and Santa Barbara:


SBCAN North County Roundtable

Thursday, November 9, 2017, 6:00 PM

Rabobank Conference Room, Northeast Corner of South Broadway and Battles 

Santa Maria, CA


(times are approximate)

  1. Call to Order by Janet Blevins; Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
  2. Report on Joint Meeting of County Planning Commission and Agricultural Advisory Committee: Ken Hough. Topics include: streamlining the processes related to Farm Worker Housing, Right to Farm issues, updating the Ag Viability CEQA Thresholds, Economics of Agriculture and the effects of regulations on sustainability, how the ACC can best inform the Planning Commission on future development issues such as the Rancho La Laguna subdivision, and Cannabis issues. (20 min.)
  3. Status of 750+ Unconventional Oil Wells Proposed for East Cat Canyon. (10 min.)
  4. The Neighborhoods: Proposed New Housing Near Rancho Maria Golf Club. (10 min.)
  5. Open discussion about other items of interest. All (10 min.)
  6. Suggestions for next month’s agenda (December 14).  (5 min.)

SBCAN South County Roundtable

Friday, November 10, 2017, Noon

Union Bank’s Board Room, 15 East Carrillo St., Santa Barbara, CA


 (times are approximate)

  1. Call to Order by Chair Dick Flacks. Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.)
  2. Local Election Results. (10 min.)
  3. Mobile Home Park Rent Control. Sharon Rose. (10 min.)
  4. Report on Meeting of Santa Barbara Housing Task Force. Dick Flacks. (10 min.)
  5. Report on State Street Charette. Mickey Flacks. (5 min.)
  6. Countywide immigration committee. Jacqueline Inda. (5 min.)
  7. Report on Joint Meeting of County Planning Commission and Agricultural Advisory Committee: Ken Hough. Topics include: streamlining the processes related to Farm Worker Housing, Right to Farm issues, updating the Ag Viability CEQA Thresholds, Economics of Agriculture and the effects of regulations on sustainability, how the ACC can best inform the Planning Commission on future development issues such as the Rancho La Laguna subdivision, and Cannabis issues (20 min.)
  8. Brief updates from participants. (2 to 5 min. each)
  9. Next meeting.  Our next meeting is scheduled for December 8.