SBCAN SC Roundtable meeting Friday, Aug. 21, 2020 via Zoom

SBCAN South County Roundtable

Friday, August 21, 2020, Noon to 1:30

Via Zoom


  1. Call to Order by Chair and SBCAN Co-President Dick Flacks. Introductions; Agenda Review (5 min.) A wide range of housing issues and initiatives are bubbling up and we’ve invited several of those doing the bubbling to brief Roundtable participants on the details of their work. New possibilities for housing justice!
  2. The Santa Barbara City Council is deliberating strengthening of eviction and rent stabilization protections: Meagan Harmon, Santa Barbara City Councilmember, and Frank Rodriguez from CAUSE. (15 min.)
  3. Formation of a Santa Barbara Tenants’ Council: Alex Entrekin, Legal Aid Foundation, and Stanley Tzankov, Fund for Santa Barbara. (15 min.)
  4. Santa Barbara Housing Hub: Linda Honikman. (10 min.)
  5. Eviction Protection Bills in State Legislature: Vianey Lopez, with Assemblymember Monique Limon (10 min.)
  6. Housing for Santa Barbara’s State Street: Meagan Harmon, Santa Barbara City Councilmember (10 min.)
  7. Brief updates from participants. Including Kate Connell regarding Truth in Recruitment Townhall; Linda Honikman regarding the Affordable Housing report from County Grand Jury and the City's response, effort to apply for a state funded Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities grant and the ongoing AIA charette. (2 to 5 min. each)
  8. Open discussion about other items of interest. All (5 min.)
  9. Our next meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2020 via Zoom.

If you would like to be in on the meeting, email me at [email protected] and I will send you a link to join the meeting.

Ken Hough
SBCAN Executive Director
[email protected]