Support fossil-free buildings in Santa Barbara

Please join SBCAN, Sierra Club, Food and Water Watch, and 30 other organizations in asking Santa Barbara City Council to support fossil-free new buildings by passing the proposed building electrification reach code at their Jan. 12 meeting.
Forty cities and counties in California have already implemented electrification reach codes, but this will be the first one in Santa Barbara County. 
The code will require new buildings in the city to be all-electric -- improving indoor air quality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and saving money on construction costs and utility bills. 
A gas industry front group has sent mass texts to Santa Barbara residents with misinformation urging them to speak against this proposal at the meeting, so support on this item from our members is needed!
You can support our efforts by sending a public comment through this form, or providing a verbal public comment at the virtual meeting on Jan. 12. The meeting starts at 2 p.m. but it is item #18 on the agenda so it will likely not come up until the evening.  
For more information, read this article written by UCSB professor Leah C. Stokes on the issue.