Action Alerts

  • SBCAN Roundtable Nov 3 - SB Fdn Housing Report and SM General Plan Update

    The next SBCAN Roundtable will be a combined one with items of interest to those in the north and south. (The SC Roundtable that is usually held on the fourth Friday will not be held this week.)

    We will hear about Santa Barbara Foundation's new housing affordability report and its commitment to address the issue. The author of the report, Cassandra Benjamin, will present the information.

    We will also talk about the Santa Maria General Plan Update, which is scheduled to go before the City Council on Nov. 7.

    SBCAN Combined Roundtable
    Friday, Nov. 3, 2023
    Noon - 1:30 p.m.
    Via Zoom - register at the link below


    1. Call to Order Introductions; Agenda Review
    2. Santa Barbara Foundation Housing Affordability report:
    3. S.M. General Plan
    4. Updates from members - please let us know if you have items you'd like to see added to the agenda

    Register in advance for this meeting:     After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    Hope to see you!

  • SBCAN honors history-maker Dick Flacks on Nov. 12 - Join Us!

    Please join us in honoring Dick Flacks by sponsoring and coming to SBCAN's"Making History/Making Blintzes" Brunch and Fundraiser.


  • NC Roundtable Topics on Thursday, Oct 12: NC commuting, SM General Plan and SM River initiative

    At the next North County Roundtable, we have three presentations regarding commuting, the Santa Maria General Plan, and the Santa Maria River Healthy Watershed Initiative.

    Mike Becker, Director of Planning for the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, will present SBCAG's analysis of where people are commuting from and to, and how it relates to the jobs-housing imbalance. 

    Mike also presented at the South County Roundtable with an emphasis on commuting; this time he will focus more on North County commute patterns. Mike will also provide background on SBCAG's role in Regional Housing Needs Allocations and how they relate to SBCAG's Sustainable Communities Strategy.

    SBCAN North County Roundtable
    Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023
    5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
    Via Zoom - email [email protected] for a registration link

  • Fun at Santa Maria Open Streets Sun, Oct 8 - West Main St

    Join the fun this Sunday, Oct. 8, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and get ready to pedal, skate, play games, and support local businesses. This experience, like no other, is brought to you by Santa Maria in Action and the Rotary Club of Santa Maria South, supported by 16 other awesome community organizations (including SBCAG). The goal? To create a car-free makeover of a mile of West Main Street where folks of all ages and abilities can come together for exercise and socializing. The vibe will be electric at Santa Maria Open Streets! 
  • We need your help!

    We are bringing together people who are concerned about the health of the Santa Maria River watershed.
  • Come to the Santa Maria River watershed talk Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023 in Santa Maria!

    natural-history-museum-santa-maria-nature-talk-sept-2023.jpgWe hope to see you Saturday, September 30 at 1 p.m. for a talk about the Santa Maria River watershed, cosponsored by Santa Barbara County Action Network.
    The Santa Maria River Healthy Watershed Initiative, which SBCAN is involved in, will be one of the topics discussed.
    The Natural History Museum of Santa Maria is presenting: "The Cuyama, Sisquoc & Santa Maria River Watershed, Then & Now, History & Folklore." It will be in Shepard Hall at the Santa Maria Public Library, 421 S McClelland, Santa Maria. 
  • Visit us at the Clean Air Fair in Guadalupe Sunday, Sep. 24!

    We hope to see you Sunday, Sept. 24 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Clean Air Fair inside the building at LeRoy Park, 4689 11th Street in Guadalupe.
    Come out to find out more about our Water Team and upcoming water quality testing. We'll have a booth with pictures and information!
    Also mark your calendar for an exciting watershed talk on Sept. 30 at 1 p.m. at the Santa Maria Public Library. More information is below.


  • SBCAN honors Dick Flacks on Nov. 12. Please SPONSOR and COME to "Making History/Making Blintzes"

    Please join us in honoring Dick Flacks by sponsoring and coming to SBCAN's"Making History/Making Blintzes" Brunch and Fundraiser.


    Click here for more information and to SPONSOR the event.

    Santa Barbara County Action Network will celebrate and honor Dick Flacks for his lifelong activism during our "Making History/Making Blintzes" Brunch and Fundraiser on Sunday, Nov. 12 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at El Paseo Mexican Restaurant, 10 El Paseo, in Santa Barbara.

    Investigative journalist Melinda Burns will interview Dick about his lifelong activism. Then Dick will ask community members he has worked with over the years to briefly comment on their hopes and concerns for the future.

    Those who will be giving comments are:

  • SBCAN SC Roundtable: Becker & Honikman discuss Housing and Commuting on Friday, Sep. 22, 2023

    At this Friday's South County Roundtable, we have two interesting presentations regardinghousing and commuting, which have a lot to do with one another.

    Please join us for these presentations by Mike Becker and Linda Honikman followed by a discussion.

    Mike Becker, Director of Planning for the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, will present SBCAG's analysis of where people are commuting from and to, and how it relates to the jobs-housing imbalance.

    Linda Honikman, an affordable housing advocate and resident of one of the upzone areas in the County's Housing Element Update, will share work she has done to get a more complete picture of the size and type of housing developments we are likely to get in the South County and whether they could hurt or help our housing crisis.

  • SBCAN honors Dick Flacks on Nov. 12. Please save the date!


    "Making History/Making Blintzes"

    SBCAN’s Tribute to Dick Flacks
    featuring Prof. Flacks and Friends Looking Forward

    Brunch and Blintzes, Music & Merrymaking
    Sunday, November 12, 2023
    11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    El Paseo Mexican Restaurant,

    10 El Paseo, Santa Barbara

    We'll send more information soon. Please mark your calendar and plan to come.